Hello Criminals,
First off there's going to be an update to our upgrading system. PayPal will be increasing their fees starting August 3rd. Therefore we will be increasing our prices to reflect that. And instead we will be adding a new/better alternative that will be using the old PayPal prices. This will only affect purchases less than $51. For now prices will remain the same and you can see the future price change reflected on the upgrade page.
We will be adding Stripe as the alternative checkout option. Those of you that have Apple Pay or Android Pay will be given that option when selecting to pay via Stripe as well as the typical credit card options. This option will be available starting today.
You will also no longer be entering the dollar amount you want to spend, instead you will be entering how many credits you want to buy, and it will show you the corresponding price for each option. And until August 3rd, it will show you the future price of PayPal. And once August 3rd hits, that will be the actual price.
Moving on from that, we will be working on gang wars for the near future. Here are a few polls we want to take into consideration while we make these adjustments...
Please read each section before the poll and then vote as you see fit:
Domination war (Think COD domination), It's more based on activity with kills being important but not a scoring factor.
3 Cities are set as home, neutral, away. The gang that's at home has a stat advantage for attacks. These cities change at the end of every hour.
Scoring is based on activity:
For every member in your gang that is in any of the 3 cities, you get 1 point.
For every city that your gang is in you multiply the member score by # of cities.
If both gangs are in the same city, both gangs receive 0 for that city.
Score pays out every minute.
Few Examples:
1. Gang 1 has 3 members in home city = 3 points/minute (3 members * 1 city)
2. Gang 1 has 2 members in home and 1 in away = 6 points/minute (3 members * 2 cities)
3. Gang 1 has 1 member in home, away and neutral = 9 points/minute (3 members * 3 cities)
4. Gang 1 and 2 has 1 member in neutral and each gang has 1 in their home cities = each gang gets 1 point (neutral city doesn't count for anything since both gangs reside in it)
This is a counter war to those gangs that kick their members, as the more members you have the more points you can get. (A 20 member gang can at most get 60 points/minute, a 5 member gang can at most get 15 points/minute)
Couple of things to mention:
> Anytime someone dies in one of the active cities, they will be kicked back to sydney (which will never be a war city)
> You have to be active within the last 15 minutes for you to count in the war.
> No one outside the gang war can attack someone in the gang war, conversely they cannot attack someone who is online.
> Traveling for the war cities will be free and level-restrictions will not be accounted for.
> Dead players will also not be allowed to travel, until they leave the hospital.
Weighted Wars:
Giving the follow situation:
Gang 1 has 20 members:
Gang 2 has 5 members:
Will result in the following scoring:
Anytime Gang 1 gets a kill = +20 points
Anytime Gang 2 gets a kill = +5 points
Since there's 3 options here we may a secondary poll on this questions. If there's a 50%+ vote any option, there will be no secondary poll. However if not, then there will be a secondary poll between the higher of the two yeses and no.
Don't allow outside interference during gang wars? If voting yes, then no one outside of the gang war will be able to attack anyone inside the gang war, and conversely anyone in the gang war will not be allowed to attack any online player who is not in the gang war.
Implementing forced wars? If voting yes, any gang will be able to sacrifice some gang respect (determined by the admins) and the challenged gang will be forced to sacrifice up to half the initiating gang respect or half their own respect if they do not have enough.
Example, if we set the starting respect cost to 1,000 respect. That'll be what the initiating gang will sacrifice. The gang they force into war will sacrifice 500 respect. But if that's over half the opposing gang's respect, they will only sacrifice half of their respect. Say opposing gang only has 750 respect, they will sacrifice 375 respect.
Implement a war gambling feature where gangs can wager points?
Gangs will have the option to challenge a gang directly (they can deny). Or just add an open invitation on a gang war page.
The Criminal Warfare Team.
First off there's going to be an update to our upgrading system. PayPal will be increasing their fees starting August 3rd. Therefore we will be increasing our prices to reflect that. And instead we will be adding a new/better alternative that will be using the old PayPal prices. This will only affect purchases less than $51. For now prices will remain the same and you can see the future price change reflected on the upgrade page.
We will be adding Stripe as the alternative checkout option. Those of you that have Apple Pay or Android Pay will be given that option when selecting to pay via Stripe as well as the typical credit card options. This option will be available starting today.
You will also no longer be entering the dollar amount you want to spend, instead you will be entering how many credits you want to buy, and it will show you the corresponding price for each option. And until August 3rd, it will show you the future price of PayPal. And once August 3rd hits, that will be the actual price.
Moving on from that, we will be working on gang wars for the near future. Here are a few polls we want to take into consideration while we make these adjustments...
Please read each section before the poll and then vote as you see fit:
Domination war (Think COD domination), It's more based on activity with kills being important but not a scoring factor.
3 Cities are set as home, neutral, away. The gang that's at home has a stat advantage for attacks. These cities change at the end of every hour.
Scoring is based on activity:
For every member in your gang that is in any of the 3 cities, you get 1 point.
For every city that your gang is in you multiply the member score by # of cities.
If both gangs are in the same city, both gangs receive 0 for that city.
Score pays out every minute.
Few Examples:
1. Gang 1 has 3 members in home city = 3 points/minute (3 members * 1 city)
2. Gang 1 has 2 members in home and 1 in away = 6 points/minute (3 members * 2 cities)
3. Gang 1 has 1 member in home, away and neutral = 9 points/minute (3 members * 3 cities)
4. Gang 1 and 2 has 1 member in neutral and each gang has 1 in their home cities = each gang gets 1 point (neutral city doesn't count for anything since both gangs reside in it)
This is a counter war to those gangs that kick their members, as the more members you have the more points you can get. (A 20 member gang can at most get 60 points/minute, a 5 member gang can at most get 15 points/minute)
Couple of things to mention:
> Anytime someone dies in one of the active cities, they will be kicked back to sydney (which will never be a war city)
> You have to be active within the last 15 minutes for you to count in the war.
> No one outside the gang war can attack someone in the gang war, conversely they cannot attack someone who is online.
> Traveling for the war cities will be free and level-restrictions will not be accounted for.
> Dead players will also not be allowed to travel, until they leave the hospital.
Implement domination wars?
Weighted Wars:
Giving the follow situation:
Gang 1 has 20 members:
Gang 2 has 5 members:
Will result in the following scoring:
Anytime Gang 1 gets a kill = +20 points
Anytime Gang 2 gets a kill = +5 points
Since there's 3 options here we may a secondary poll on this questions. If there's a 50%+ vote any option, there will be no secondary poll. However if not, then there will be a secondary poll between the higher of the two yeses and no.
Implement weighted wars?
Don't allow outside interference during gang wars? If voting yes, then no one outside of the gang war will be able to attack anyone inside the gang war, and conversely anyone in the gang war will not be allowed to attack any online player who is not in the gang war.
Don't allow outside interference during gang wars?
Implementing forced wars? If voting yes, any gang will be able to sacrifice some gang respect (determined by the admins) and the challenged gang will be forced to sacrifice up to half the initiating gang respect or half their own respect if they do not have enough.
Example, if we set the starting respect cost to 1,000 respect. That'll be what the initiating gang will sacrifice. The gang they force into war will sacrifice 500 respect. But if that's over half the opposing gang's respect, they will only sacrifice half of their respect. Say opposing gang only has 750 respect, they will sacrifice 375 respect.
Implement forced wars for gang respect?
Implement a war gambling feature where gangs can wager points?
Gangs will have the option to challenge a gang directly (they can deny). Or just add an open invitation on a gang war page.
Implement a war gambling feature where gangs can wager points against other gangs?
The Criminal Warfare Team.

I tried voting in the poll options several times over the course of 5-10 mins and they aren't recording for some reason 😐


For the domination style war: would it make sense to put a limit on how many times you can move to a different city?
Like say once every 5 minutes.
Like say once every 5 minutes.

not really, it's up to the gangs to monitor the cities, and kill any intruders, sending them back to Sydney. If they are willing to buyout and travel again, that's their choice.