3 Apr 2021, 7:05:27 pm
Post: 6/240
Hello criminals,

First off, let's welcome our new staff members. [CW] Tickers The King  prestige, [WARNew Account, FknInsane.
They are going to be responsible for making sure none of you are cheating.
Which speaking of we suggest stop using auto refreshers, there has been a lot of activity points farming and activity bans are starting to be handed out.
We have plenty of logging on our server, and can detect anything we want to.

Moving on:
Introducing a revamped Points Market. It's going to work like a stock market, where users can place buy and/or sell orders. Whenever 2 users agree on a price, the game will automatically execute that sale for you.

Here's a breakdown of the page layout:

This is where you can post sell orders, you list how many points you want to sell and what price you want the buyer to pay for them.
If there is already a buy order at your sell price or higher, the order will execute automatically and put the remaining points into a sell order for you.

This is where you can post buy orders, you list how many points you want to buy and what price you want the seller to sell them to you for.
If there is already a sell order at your sell price or lower, the order will execute automatically and put the remaining points into a buy order for you.

This is where you can view your current orders, if you have any. You have the option of removing orders, if you want. Green indicates a buy order, and red indicates a sell order.

This is where you can view your past orders, if you have any. Green indicates a buy order, and red indicates a sell order.

This is where you can view all current buy and sell orders. Rows in red are users who are trying to sell points at that price. Rows in green are users who are trying to buy points at that price. It will also show you the price points sold at for the last sale. Also for quick filling, you can click on the red/green rows and it will autofill the buy/sell points sections for you.

Lastly, this just shows you all past orders completed by everyone.

If you have any questions regarding the new points market, please ask and we will help explain it better for you.

The Criminal Warfare Team.


4 Apr 2021, 2:48:17 am
Post: 1/150
can u explin i don git it
4 Apr 2021, 6:00:16 am
Post: 1/1
i understand it - i just don't care for that style market. It can feel very complex - when it isn't - not bitchin - just my input 👍
10 Apr 2021, 10:13:40 pm
Post: 1/4
Binance style point market... i like it