14 Sep 2021, 12:00:52 am
Post: 156/228
You know guys, I really feel like y'all liked this one. I wanted killin' and you brought the pain. Really well done by all involved.

[LO] Lethal Outlaws 38,946
[KI] Killer Instinct 29,693
[DG] Damaged Goods 21,233
[CK] Cat Killers 11,717
[CW] Developers 1
[FU] For Us 1

The winners are AOD in First, Lethal Outlaws in Second, and Killer Instinct in 3rd. Very well done to everyone!

Robert & MJ will be awarding the gang rep shortly, stay tuned for my next comp - hopefully available this weekend!



14 Sep 2021, 12:08:20 am
Post: 5/9
Awesome comp 👌
14 Sep 2021, 12:17:28 am
Post: 68/452
those last 2 gangs on the list were really slackin 👀
14 Sep 2021, 12:19:34 am
Post: 62/157
[LODogbert  prestige wrote
those last 2 gangs on the list were really slackin 👀
the one with 5 people in it? 🤣 One inactive and another om vacation. Dang.
14 Sep 2021, 12:53:10 am
Post: 69/452
the gangs that only got 1 kill each
14 Sep 2021, 7:09:06 am
Post: 47/49
[LODogbert  prestige wrote
the gangs that only got 1 kill each

It was a combined effort 😂
14 Sep 2021, 8:25:52 am
Post: 24/25