24 Oct 2021, 2:29:58 pm
Post: 175/228
Hey Gang,

Sorry for the mishap over the weekend. The new mug will be this coming Saturday at 4 PM Game Time, as well as 10 PM Game Time. It will be two mug events on me, 100 Mil Each time instead of the 4x at 50 Mil.

I have the cash on me for this one, and will be much smoother.

Though I will still do a few fun events, I am happy to welcome oBIGRON as my successor to the Entertainment Role! Obi & I have spoken about things, and I'm very hopeful for what Obi will add to the team.


24 Oct 2021, 2:37:09 pm
Post: 4/40
🍻 🍻 🍻 If anybody has any ideas they would like to see don't be shy and drop me a message!
24 Oct 2021, 3:12:53 pm
Post: 99/150
just make sure u always late like true EO tradition 🍻
24 Oct 2021, 3:15:14 pm
Post: 5/40
[LOTehRaterDowner  prestige wrote
just make sure u always late like true EO tradition 🍻
I'll try my best to be late 😉 😂
24 Oct 2021, 3:20:20 pm
Post: 65/157
[LOTehRaterDowner  prestige wrote
just make sure u always late like true EO tradition 🍻
🤣 🤣 🤣
24 Oct 2021, 6:12:55 pm
Post: 5/14
Congrats and good luck oBIGRON
24 Oct 2021, 6:14:50 pm
Post: 6/40
[KIGhost wrote
Congrats and good luck oBIGRON
Appreciate it Ghost :)
29 Oct 2021, 12:14:30 pm
Post: 179/228
Subtle reminder for tomorrow!!!