24 Oct 2021, 7:06:15 pm
Post: 7/40
So this is my first little event!

- Free entry -


All you have to do is join over here https://criminal-warfare.com/gbox.php THATS IT!

We will be rolling it 25/10 @ 9PM GMT (8PM GAMETIME)

Which will be RANDOMLY split amongst everybody entered!

Goodluck everybody! 🍻


24 Oct 2021, 7:59:46 pm
Post: 100/150
hay there i am dyslexic can u tell me wat time that is in game time plz u should use game time as not every1 from same time zone is simple really

24 Oct 2021, 8:21:00 pm
Post: 8/40
[LOTehRaterDowner  prestige wrote
hay there i am dyslexic can u tell me wat time that is in game time plz u should use game time as not every1 from same time zone is simple really

Changed it for you buddy :) 8PM game time tomorrow 🍻
24 Oct 2021, 10:55:06 pm
Post: 176/228
Coming out swinging, i like it
25 Oct 2021, 4:26:20 pm
Post: 12/40
Guys if you haven't joined make sure to join! Will be rolling in a few hours! :D
25 Oct 2021, 8:00:29 pm
Post: 13/40
[AOD] ClayC received: 28 points
[LO] obigron received: 381 points
[AOD] Lord Beerus received: 511 points
.o received: 585 points
[Wbe] beadzz received: 74 points
[FU] Zsadist received: 279 points
[LO] Cheshire Moon received: 325 points
[LO] Scar Moon received: 892 points
[KI] Howard received: 752 points
[KI] 10/10/10 bunny received: 892 points
[KI] Misfire received: 409 points
[LO] AJM received: 204 points
[KI] Brady Tkachuk received: 808 points
[DG] Darkwing Duck received: 752 points
[KI] Space Herpes received: 808 points
[AOD] Badbanane received: 613 points
[DG] Ghost received: 557 points
[AOD] valley received: 195 points
[FU] Bugaboo received: 641 points
[AOD] Millz received: 567 points
[LO] Dogbert received: 864 points
[CK] ™ received: 427 points
[KI] lahpyrcopa received: 520 points
[CK] Sneaky received: 232 points
[KI] Killmonger received: 241 points
[DG] notyobizwack received: 492 points
[AOD] Legacy received: 827 points
Wikia received: 418 points
[LO] TehRaterDowner received: 706 points

25 Oct 2021, 8:03:58 pm
Post: 101/150
can u be late next time plz
25 Oct 2021, 8:20:37 pm
Post: 14/40
[LOTehRaterDowner  prestige wrote
can u be late next time plz
OH SHIT sorry i completely forgot.. I missed a round on csgo to get it on time for you guys! 😂 😂