19 Nov 2021, 2:13:29 am
Post: 130/240
Hello All,

I've come with a throne update. The more you use it, the longer you keep it.

The old throne max health was 1,000. Now you start at 1,000, however, you can max it out at 2,500.

Stat throne, you will gain 10 HP for every train you perform.
EXP throne, you will gain 2 HP every time you gain experience.

If the throne is > 1,500 HP and you've held onto it for 15+ minutes, it will be disabled.
If the throne is 1,000 - 1,500 HP and you've held onto it for 12.5+ minutes, it will be disabled.
If the throne is <= 1,000 HP and you've held onto it for 10+ minutes, it will be disabled. (as it used to be)

Disabled timer has also been reduced from 20 minutes, to 10 minutes.

[CW] HaxxBlaze  prestige
