19 Mar 2023, 5:12:11 pm
Post: 147/240
Hello All,

We are testing out a new generation of speedy crimes, regardless of your computer/internet/mobile/browser limitations you should be able to get a consistent 40+ crimes a second (with crime master), for the most part it should stay within 40-50 crimes a second.

This is expected to be buggy, so if you run into any issues, let me know.
We also are not sure how it will act when there's a lot of people doing it at once, but we'll see.

To get to it, there's a button at the bottom of the crimes page to take you to a different page.

It is expected to disconnect if you idle for too long, that's not a bug.

If it does crash, it should reboot the next minute. You'll know if it crashes if you refresh the page and it instantly gives you a disconnected message.

Thanks! 😃


19 Mar 2023, 5:24:25 pm
Post: 51/58
You have completed the operation objective to get 300 Crimes. [+90 points] 19 Mar 2023, 5:23:39 pm
You have completed the operation objective to get 376 Crimes. [+104 points] 19 Mar 2023, 5:23:32 pm

20 Mar 2023, 2:12:17 pm
Post: 94/157
71 crime Op's. Made 16% level gain
3 million dollars
4k points.

These need to be revamped. That's shit for an hour
20 Mar 2023, 2:17:17 pm
Post: 95/157
Oh and you get no AP