Also looking for item ideas that gangs can use during wars, so its not just attacking eachother.
I would believe that these can only be used while gang wars are active.
Vertigo EMP - Defensive Item: Set it outside your door, and any would be attacker shoots wildly and misses. However, the hit eventually will go through after [time], rendering you unconscious for 10 minutes when they come to their senses.
Fulminated Mercury - Consumable. You throw it at a user by entering their ID. Will render them unconscious for 5 minutes, but awards extra kill point score (up to y'all) during gang wars. [Breaking Bad spawned this idea, not me.]
Appealing Drink - Consumable. Send your victim an appealing drink anonymously, which you asked to have drugged. But your guy isn't the best, so it may make their attacks use double the energy to pull off (%50 instead of %25) for [time period], or it may make their attacks take 15% less energy for [time period]. This would incentivize recipients to take the risk and use the item they received.
Bench Warrant - Consumable. Your target has been summoned to court for a routine hearing, meaning they gotta book it back to Sydney from whatever city they're currently inhabiting. Idealistically, to be used on an offline player to hit them more for points. Success rate varies.