1 Apr 2021, 2:32:22 pm
Post: 2/11
If you're looking at any attribute other than level, and click the "page 2 or 3", it resorts to level again. I.E. if I'm looking at "speed", and press page 2, it shows me page 2 of "level".


1 Apr 2021, 2:56:37 pm
Post: 2/58
Should be fixed 👌
1 Apr 2021, 3:05:31 pm
Post: 3/11
Yup. Great job. 👍
1 Apr 2021, 4:45:55 pm
Post: 1/7
Isit meant to still go to 2nd page?
1 Apr 2021, 5:13:24 pm
Post: 4/240
it goes to the page you are on. so if you are ranked 25th, it'll go to the second page.