24 Jul 2021, 1:03:50 pm
Post: 13/32
I am always told by admin, to post in the suggestion system and not use the Support Box, so here ya go.. I am not yet there, but it is not worth many players time to come to game anymore. They log in just to clock in and have to save their daily ops to come back days later to do them so they have an little game play.

Please ADD more OPS or game content so that everyone can play.
OR please post a POLL to see what others think.



0 1
24 Jul 2021, 1:05:04 pm
Post: 35/54
24 Jul 2021, 1:12:19 pm
Post: 7/8
definitely agree, we need more ops, orr something to clicky 😎
24 Jul 2021, 7:45:13 pm
Post: 31/452
single objective missions on a timer would be a better solution to this

make a crime mission, a bust mission, a kill mission and a mug mission

have them work like normal missions but that way people don't get stuck on the other 3 objectives

The multiple objectives and low payouts were the number one reason ppl didn't do missions to begin with shy of the achievement for them. However the game economy is way passed that point now with ops, etc.

This would be in addition to the regular mission too, not a replacement 😛

Ops have already been adjusted and re-adjusted and I don't see a way to populate more of them without making them worse and worse each time
24 Jul 2021, 9:14:40 pm
Post: 8/67
Game economy is manipulated by speculation, usually from players who aim at maintaining the status quo, rather than by adding new content.

Don't see any reason why adding new ops would be a problem.

Game scaling requires planning, but it's not at all impossible.
24 Jul 2021, 9:23:16 pm
Post: 32/452
Adjustments to operations have already been made multiple times since they were added

The size of them, the payouts, the number of daily ones generated, and even the totals in each set

Having lots of shitty ops to stay busy is much worse than having fewer ops that pay well

It's time to take a different approach 👍

24 Jul 2021, 9:29:48 pm
Post: 9/67
I can tell that several changes were made.... just go through any op from #1 to #230 to figure that.

It does not mean that it was done with any sense of planning other than to satisfy the pledges of those who wish to keep control of the game and its market.

Maybe it's time to try a different method indeed. 👍
24 Jul 2021, 9:36:27 pm
Post: 61/150
sadmins will not add a big batch because the hacksaw sadmin is a cat loving little man that knows some player will no life them which causes them to get ahead or catch up and then the cash player get mad because they dont do them because they dont got time/rather spend money and all they cash they spend is matched by someone that just no life mission and they not see it fair

maybe if sadmins stop loving they cat they could be able to add skill point that will require single objectives to increase... is simple really
24 Jul 2021, 9:49:36 pm
Post: 33/452
The original idea of 100 per week was alright but then busts weren't balanced and everyone got stuck on them. The adjustments to bust bots and jail bots wasn't enough to offset the first or even second round of busts. So that was a major problem.

The daily ones that scaled were alright but everyone complained because the objectives looked high when in actuality they payed about the same overall. So then that was changed.

Now they are easier but people run out of them faster 🤣

It's never gonna be a one size fits all approach. That's why I suggested adding 4 more missions to each mission tier with single objectives and decent payouts or timers that don't drive ppl away for hours.