Should lose a few stats for just sitting there and doing nothing. I have watched many attack to get it and then idle. They are only worried about free points from achievement's. Use the mother fooker to train.

It needs a major update where if the person holding it has higher stats they can't get warded by some acct with no stats at all with no repercussions
If it is gonna stay to where anyone can attack anyone on it then it should take HP to do so and not just be a free for all. Or it should have some other cooldown or take attributes away that require points to refill etc
another thing to add is the new achievements basically just let ppl go back and forth on it for the cost of a cert 👀
so it should probably be fixed because of that too 😝
If it is gonna stay to where anyone can attack anyone on it then it should take HP to do so and not just be a free for all. Or it should have some other cooldown or take attributes away that require points to refill etc
another thing to add is the new achievements basically just let ppl go back and forth on it for the cost of a cert 👀
so it should probably be fixed because of that too 😝

At least make them wait 5 minutes before they can dethrone unless they arent training.

If you're actively training, regain HP for each train.
Then it's just a matter of who is faster, and who's sleepin on the job.
Then it's just a matter of who is faster, and who's sleepin on the job.

[DDD] Darkwing Duck wrote
If you're actively training, regain HP for each train.
Then it's just a matter of who is faster, and who's sleepin on the job.

Current throne holder .
Name [AOD] Badbanane Level 187
User Level Respected Mobster Health 0 / 9,350
Gender Male Money $0
Location Sydney Gang ANGELS OF DEATH
House Holiday Cabin Gang Rank The Grim Reaper
Last Active 51s
Name [AOD] Badbanane Level 187
User Level Respected Mobster Health 0 / 9,350
Gender Male Money $0
Location Sydney Gang ANGELS OF DEATH
House Holiday Cabin Gang Rank The Grim Reaper
Last Active 51s

Yeah, it's completely fucked the way it is now
The reason this is a major issue is because it undermines a key aspect of the game: training/leveling
you train/level up so ppl can't kill you and then anyone with 0 stats can come hit the throne as you are trying to use it or at the end of using it to just be annoying and ward you
this needs to get sorted out one way or another because it has only been amplified by the recent achievements that were added
if the throne slaying sent people to jail then that would be different I guess
but when it wards someone online like it does now then as far as I'm concerned, that's an act of aggression and gonna get at least one or two more online hits returned for it
The reason this is a major issue is because it undermines a key aspect of the game: training/leveling
you train/level up so ppl can't kill you and then anyone with 0 stats can come hit the throne as you are trying to use it or at the end of using it to just be annoying and ward you
this needs to get sorted out one way or another because it has only been amplified by the recent achievements that were added
if the throne slaying sent people to jail then that would be different I guess
but when it wards someone online like it does now then as far as I'm concerned, that's an act of aggression and gonna get at least one or two more online hits returned for it

I back Dogbert on this. If you Dethrone him I will kill you my damn self.