Hello, it's your local Idiot back with some new suggestions:
New Additions:
1. Rotating Missions: In order to "spice" things up a little bit, perhaps have a few different missions and have them roatate on a weekly
or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
2. Special Missions: Once a week there will be an "Ultimate Mission"(Name open for change). Within this mission will potentially be even days
worth of objectives, Including Of the Day(Possibly considering This could be a difficult Objective to complete) and Multiple Of the Hour wins.
Objectives could range from E.g: 750 Kills/1000 Crimes/250 Mugs/150 Busts x10 *Unique* OTH wins(Meaning you cannot complete 4 of this objective
via just winning all 4 sections of the OTD) This mission would be a time limit of 1 week. The payout would be respective of the work put in and
You will be able to continue your normal missions meanwhile.
3. Some casual gambling game modes for those that enjoy that little bit of risk. Blackjack/Roullete/High-Low/Dog racing(with RNG based odds i guess?)
4. (This idea is more generic and *Maybe* overused?) King/Baron and Queen/Baroness of each city. In order to overthrow the king/queen you must hospitalise them ofcourse.
The king and queen receiving minor bonuses to crime/mug success as well as increased cash (By a minimal amount) when doing crimes.
The idea behind this is that this player would technically be the "Most powerful/experienced" criminal hence being better at such things listed
(Credit to Powerband) - In addition to this idea "The Reigning criminals can purchase underground Shops/Fronts which would add a 1% crime tax to the city in which it was bought it, Meaning the King/Queen
would receive tax on crimes that players do within that city. If the King/Queen is overthrown they do not lose the property, But the property goes under and cannot produce profits until the player is reinstated as King/Queen.
(Credit to Powerband) - Criminals would be able to buy "licences" for their own personal shops or Making their own contest for other players to join with licences owners fronting cost and making the contest fee to what they want i.e 5 players 500k prize
each player will pay 125k and owner of license will keep the profits off contest.
5. Hitlist (Self explanitory, You put a price on someone's head and whomever uses the attack link on said page recieves the reward.)
6. Ability to add Players to your profile with a note
7. Random events:
These random events occur throughout your day when [Online], These can include random acts of violence/kindness/weirdness.
You will have 15 minutes to react to the event before it disapears.
"While walking down the street you're confronted with a mugger, he demands that you give him all your money [Give Money] - [Fight him]"
Now this even for example, if you give him money he will take a random amount from your bank. (nothing major), If you fight him it's down to RNG whether you win and in turn you recieve whatever cash he would have on him, if you lose and you will
receive a standard hospital timer and lose the money you would have given if you clicked [Give Money].
(More to come on this idea, I need more time to think of more.)
Changes to current content:
1. A leaderboard on the current "OTH", This could be used for restraining your kills/mugs/busts to let someone achieve it (Currently it's a guessing game)
Or for the reason of watching out for people attempting to overthrow your spot on said sections.
2. More gang crimes, Scaling from respect level and in turn increasing the amount of clock-ins required to complete.
Rob a Jewlery Store: 8 Clock-ins, 3 hours to complete 35-55 Points and $4,000-$6,500 reward.
Kidnap a Politician 12 Clock-ins, 4 hours to complete 55-75 points and $7,000-$12,500 reward.
Rob the Treasury 20 Clock-ins, 6 hours to complete 100-125 Points and $18,000-$25,000 reward.
3. Activity points:(This one is partly new and partly change)
Have some more purachse options added including various temporary power-ups(My ideas are subject to criticism and feedback *please*)
As following listed with Advantage - Disadvantage
Steroids: 10% increased strength for 15 minutes - 5% reduced strength for 15 minutes.
Alcohol: 10% increased Defence for 15 minutes - 5% reduced defence for 15 minutes.
Cocain: 10% increased Speed for 15 minutes - 5% reduced speed for 15 minutes.
Monster energy: 10% increased awake for 15 minutes - 5% reduced awake for 15 minutes.
Prices to be decided if enjoyed by the community.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
New Additions:
1. Rotating Missions: In order to "spice" things up a little bit, perhaps have a few different missions and have them roatate on a weekly
or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
2. Special Missions: Once a week there will be an "Ultimate Mission"(Name open for change). Within this mission will potentially be even days
worth of objectives, Including Of the Day(Possibly considering This could be a difficult Objective to complete) and Multiple Of the Hour wins.
Objectives could range from E.g: 750 Kills/1000 Crimes/250 Mugs/150 Busts x10 *Unique* OTH wins(Meaning you cannot complete 4 of this objective
via just winning all 4 sections of the OTD) This mission would be a time limit of 1 week. The payout would be respective of the work put in and
You will be able to continue your normal missions meanwhile.
3. Some casual gambling game modes for those that enjoy that little bit of risk. Blackjack/Roullete/High-Low/Dog racing(with RNG based odds i guess?)
4. (This idea is more generic and *Maybe* overused?) King/Baron and Queen/Baroness of each city. In order to overthrow the king/queen you must hospitalise them ofcourse.
The king and queen receiving minor bonuses to crime/mug success as well as increased cash (By a minimal amount) when doing crimes.
The idea behind this is that this player would technically be the "Most powerful/experienced" criminal hence being better at such things listed
(Credit to Powerband) - In addition to this idea "The Reigning criminals can purchase underground Shops/Fronts which would add a 1% crime tax to the city in which it was bought it, Meaning the King/Queen
would receive tax on crimes that players do within that city. If the King/Queen is overthrown they do not lose the property, But the property goes under and cannot produce profits until the player is reinstated as King/Queen.
(Credit to Powerband) - Criminals would be able to buy "licences" for their own personal shops or Making their own contest for other players to join with licences owners fronting cost and making the contest fee to what they want i.e 5 players 500k prize
each player will pay 125k and owner of license will keep the profits off contest.
5. Hitlist (Self explanitory, You put a price on someone's head and whomever uses the attack link on said page recieves the reward.)
6. Ability to add Players to your profile with a note
7. Random events:
These random events occur throughout your day when [Online], These can include random acts of violence/kindness/weirdness.
You will have 15 minutes to react to the event before it disapears.
"While walking down the street you're confronted with a mugger, he demands that you give him all your money [Give Money] - [Fight him]"
Now this even for example, if you give him money he will take a random amount from your bank. (nothing major), If you fight him it's down to RNG whether you win and in turn you recieve whatever cash he would have on him, if you lose and you will
receive a standard hospital timer and lose the money you would have given if you clicked [Give Money].
(More to come on this idea, I need more time to think of more.)
Changes to current content:
1. A leaderboard on the current "OTH", This could be used for restraining your kills/mugs/busts to let someone achieve it (Currently it's a guessing game)
Or for the reason of watching out for people attempting to overthrow your spot on said sections.
2. More gang crimes, Scaling from respect level and in turn increasing the amount of clock-ins required to complete.
Rob a Jewlery Store: 8 Clock-ins, 3 hours to complete 35-55 Points and $4,000-$6,500 reward.
Kidnap a Politician 12 Clock-ins, 4 hours to complete 55-75 points and $7,000-$12,500 reward.
Rob the Treasury 20 Clock-ins, 6 hours to complete 100-125 Points and $18,000-$25,000 reward.
3. Activity points:(This one is partly new and partly change)
Have some more purachse options added including various temporary power-ups(My ideas are subject to criticism and feedback *please*)
As following listed with Advantage - Disadvantage
Steroids: 10% increased strength for 15 minutes - 5% reduced strength for 15 minutes.
Alcohol: 10% increased Defence for 15 minutes - 5% reduced defence for 15 minutes.
Cocain: 10% increased Speed for 15 minutes - 5% reduced speed for 15 minutes.
Monster energy: 10% increased awake for 15 minutes - 5% reduced awake for 15 minutes.
Prices to be decided if enjoyed by the community.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

Section 2, Paragraph 1 "Leaderboard":
Could have displayed on the city page its-self
Always 445 Busts OTH
You are 404 Busts away this hour!
Could have displayed on the city page its-self
Always 445 Busts OTH
You are 404 Busts away this hour!

1. Rotating Missions: In order to "spice" things up a little bit, perhaps have a few different missions and have them roatate on a weekly
or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
what exactly do you want to be different? just making the number of crimes/bust/kills/mugs you have to do isn't going to make it feel any different. It's going to be just as repetitive.
or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
what exactly do you want to be different? just making the number of crimes/bust/kills/mugs you have to do isn't going to make it feel any different. It's going to be just as repetitive.

1. Rotating Missions: In order to "spice" things up a little bit, perhaps have a few different missions and have them roatate on a weekly
or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
what exactly do you want to be different? just making the number of crimes/bust/kills/mugs you have to do isn't going to make it feel any different. It's going to be just as repetitive.
if someone does 5 busts in a mission, next time they have to do 10 and cannot go backwards. maybe this?or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
what exactly do you want to be different? just making the number of crimes/bust/kills/mugs you have to do isn't going to make it feel any different. It's going to be just as repetitive.

That's true I guess various stuff like
x1 OTH win/ X amount of online kills, I would have to have a brainstorm and come back with a more solid suggestion for that one 👍
x1 OTH win/ X amount of online kills, I would have to have a brainstorm and come back with a more solid suggestion for that one 👍

1. Rotating Missions: In order to "spice" things up a little bit, perhaps have a few different missions and have them roatate on a weekly
or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
what exactly do you want to be different? just making the number of crimes/bust/kills/mugs you have to do isn't going to make it feel any different. It's going to be just as repetitive.
We could have certain days that drop an extra task to our missions.
or even 3-4 day schedule. This will Ideally peak the interest in missions to stop people repeating the same ones for an extended period
of time.
what exactly do you want to be different? just making the number of crimes/bust/kills/mugs you have to do isn't going to make it feel any different. It's going to be just as repetitive.
Mondays: x? Mug OTH
Tuesdays: x??? Busts OTHs
Wednesday: x??? Online Kills
Thursday: x??? etc.
Friday: x??? etc..
BUT they revolve so its not the same Monday to Monday
Bonus Mission:
Finish all 3 missions?
Unlock a nice little sub-mission to keep you occupied for cool downs, it will be 10x [current level] tasked mission. (crimes could be 100x)
[Level: 30] 300 Kills 300 Busts 300 Mugs 3000 Crimes <<< Choose 1 Only [1 Hour]
Award: 1k Points and increase at a substantial level like missions already do?
Thoughts? 👍