4 Oct 2024, 11:48:54 pm
Post: 210/228
Once upon a time there was a whore house daily. You could visit such companions as "Lovely Lydia" and "Seductress Sarah." It was an open minded establishment, you see, so there were also boy whores too which many considered to be thoughtful. "Randy Randy", "Bobbin' Bobby" were no uncertain favorites.

Upon selecting a whore of one's preference, the player was given Seggsually Transmitted Diseases (Ward Time & related Status Message), Points, or a consumable.

Maybe we do that here. We got rid of 'past it's time & prime' voting, mayhap we add a new daily, or modernize one with something such as this.

Let them have whores?


5 Oct 2024, 12:09:32 am
Post: 1/2
whores and cocain??????????????????????? HERE TAKE MY MONEIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Oct 2024, 12:09:36 am
Post: 139/150
Shit up
5 Oct 2024, 12:36:19 am
Post: 16/16
i just took a shit it was not to firm not to soft IT was JUST right!