How about something reasonable we can use to get 20-30 protection from others. With Reflexa constantly attacking we can't mission. Not kills anyway. Douche protector.

Hay there sneaky maybe sadmin give u GM so u can ban everyone u done like STUPID

Should be something like, after your 10th online hit, you’d go to jail mandatory for 5min no buyout, 11th time 7-8 min in Jail. And so on so forth…. IMO.
This, this, this ⬆️ This will be perfect, but still should make you tread carefully fucking with the wrong gang.
Plus putting contracts on someone if you really wanted them dead..
If the shoe was on the other foot, maybe you’d see things differently dogg

u just another cry baby too u hit me when I was weak and I never ask protection u can join the list again if u wish

I hit you and you didint cry, I got around 200 death contracts on me, I didint cry..
I’m not thinking for myself, I’m thinking for noobs who are just starting and getting killed by u, millz or anyone else who needs to pump there chest
I’m not thinking for myself, I’m thinking for noobs who are just starting and getting killed by u, millz or anyone else who needs to pump there chest

no one is campin noob accounts like sneaky and son are getting camped it dose not apply protection is for pussies is mafia game play like real mafioso if u a noob and cannot take couple hit u better quit before start

i play for 3 month no stat everyone online me i don’t claim to admin other cheat to hit me like sneaky do that not me i never have trouble completing mission or operation only bad player cannot be gud enough to know the rope if u ask me play game is easy if u good it done take no rocket science for u to know how to navigate the sea and become top look at me i do it u can do it too 🤢