I'm gonna try to group all this into one post to keep it as simple as possible and organize it as best I can, but no guarantees 😝
Problem 1:
Current gym is atrociously slow and not user friendly on any device. While using a PC, it takes an eternity in between clicks to refill and train. At least it does for speed and strength which are located on the opposite sides furthest away. On mobile, the sensitivity is too tough to dial in and if you have enormous hands like myself, it often misclicks on the text box to enter train amounts and makes it even slower and more tedious. Not to mention, that most everyone would be using throne to train so if you are waiting in between throne cooldowns, and want to switch devices, you have to login back and forth constantly.
Proposed Solution 1:
Some type of speed gym. I'm not suggesting make it stupid fast where you can train 100k points in 5 mins time, but something has to give. I think a comfortable balance would be one click trains. For instance, you start by refilling your awake and energy to their max 100% fill level. Then there would be a button you click that does a full train while refilling both energy and awake at the same time. That way you click it again and again without having to manually refill each time with a second button. Obviously this would be an option for all 3 stats individually and in addition to the current gym, not a replacement. That way players have the option to train the way it is now or do a random train without wasting points or can burn up extra awake etc with the current gym. But if someone wants to speed train a lot, then they can have the option to spam 1 click trains til they run out of points and not have it take a week's time. This would also be a great time to add auto energy refills to the game because they would serve a purpose for gym refills. Hint Hint 👀
Problem 2:
Crimes take entirely way too long to do and crime operations have increased exponentially in both size and quantity since the start of the game. This is speaking from the standpoint of someone who has high nerve for max refills, can do crimes at a good pace on PC and done over 7k operations and is still very far behind on crimes. The pace of ops entering the game cannot keep up with player ability to do crimes. We are heading for the same scenario that we had with busts only without a good solution like bust bots. Another problem is that crimes have to suck for mobile players. Idk how nobody has complained about that before now. The second half of this is that the current nerve refill on crime page is not responsive enough to spam large amounts of crimes for extended periods of time. It effectively works once or twice or three times maybe. Then it's like a coin flip of whether it will refill or not. Not only is this beyond frustrating, but it wastes points, when you've clicked it 4 times and it finally decides to catch up and refill multiple times in a row. This was a problem before the bulk refill was added and has continued to be a problem ever since. It's high time for auto refills for nerve, wouldn't you say? 👀 👀
Proposed Solution 2:
Some type of speed crime system that allows both PC and mobile players to use it for crimes. I like the traditional style speed crimes myself but have seen other variances work too. This would also have to use jail keys somehow for it to be effective. Whether it be a separate auto bust feature that burns up keys or built in to the speed crime system or however. As with the speed gym suggestion above, this also goes hand in hand with auto refills being added, which I don't see why they shouldn't be regardless.
Auto Refills:
Both of these gym and crime suggestions are with the mindset of auto refills being added to make them effective. For those not familiar with auto refills, it is simply a toggle option that you pay game currency for each day or each time you choose to use it. The cost would be whatever the game owner determines to be a fair amount. Usually they either last 24 hours real time or in between game rollover periods. Having the option to toggle them on and off at will is pretty standard and costs are normally reasonable. There would also be the option to not purchase the auto refills of course so nothing would change from normal game play now if you chose not to. I make a point of saying that because I am putting these suggestions forth as additions to make current things better and not something that will change both gym and crime system for the worse or something that will wind up off on a tangent like the bulk nerve refill for crimes that doesn't work properly as it is. The last thing we want is for gym or crimes to become less user friendly than they already are. I have faith things will work out though 👌
Any questions, concerns, comments or additional thoughts or ideas, please post below...
Problem 1:
Current gym is atrociously slow and not user friendly on any device. While using a PC, it takes an eternity in between clicks to refill and train. At least it does for speed and strength which are located on the opposite sides furthest away. On mobile, the sensitivity is too tough to dial in and if you have enormous hands like myself, it often misclicks on the text box to enter train amounts and makes it even slower and more tedious. Not to mention, that most everyone would be using throne to train so if you are waiting in between throne cooldowns, and want to switch devices, you have to login back and forth constantly.
Proposed Solution 1:
Some type of speed gym. I'm not suggesting make it stupid fast where you can train 100k points in 5 mins time, but something has to give. I think a comfortable balance would be one click trains. For instance, you start by refilling your awake and energy to their max 100% fill level. Then there would be a button you click that does a full train while refilling both energy and awake at the same time. That way you click it again and again without having to manually refill each time with a second button. Obviously this would be an option for all 3 stats individually and in addition to the current gym, not a replacement. That way players have the option to train the way it is now or do a random train without wasting points or can burn up extra awake etc with the current gym. But if someone wants to speed train a lot, then they can have the option to spam 1 click trains til they run out of points and not have it take a week's time. This would also be a great time to add auto energy refills to the game because they would serve a purpose for gym refills. Hint Hint 👀
Problem 2:
Crimes take entirely way too long to do and crime operations have increased exponentially in both size and quantity since the start of the game. This is speaking from the standpoint of someone who has high nerve for max refills, can do crimes at a good pace on PC and done over 7k operations and is still very far behind on crimes. The pace of ops entering the game cannot keep up with player ability to do crimes. We are heading for the same scenario that we had with busts only without a good solution like bust bots. Another problem is that crimes have to suck for mobile players. Idk how nobody has complained about that before now. The second half of this is that the current nerve refill on crime page is not responsive enough to spam large amounts of crimes for extended periods of time. It effectively works once or twice or three times maybe. Then it's like a coin flip of whether it will refill or not. Not only is this beyond frustrating, but it wastes points, when you've clicked it 4 times and it finally decides to catch up and refill multiple times in a row. This was a problem before the bulk refill was added and has continued to be a problem ever since. It's high time for auto refills for nerve, wouldn't you say? 👀 👀
Proposed Solution 2:
Some type of speed crime system that allows both PC and mobile players to use it for crimes. I like the traditional style speed crimes myself but have seen other variances work too. This would also have to use jail keys somehow for it to be effective. Whether it be a separate auto bust feature that burns up keys or built in to the speed crime system or however. As with the speed gym suggestion above, this also goes hand in hand with auto refills being added, which I don't see why they shouldn't be regardless.
Auto Refills:
Both of these gym and crime suggestions are with the mindset of auto refills being added to make them effective. For those not familiar with auto refills, it is simply a toggle option that you pay game currency for each day or each time you choose to use it. The cost would be whatever the game owner determines to be a fair amount. Usually they either last 24 hours real time or in between game rollover periods. Having the option to toggle them on and off at will is pretty standard and costs are normally reasonable. There would also be the option to not purchase the auto refills of course so nothing would change from normal game play now if you chose not to. I make a point of saying that because I am putting these suggestions forth as additions to make current things better and not something that will change both gym and crime system for the worse or something that will wind up off on a tangent like the bulk nerve refill for crimes that doesn't work properly as it is. The last thing we want is for gym or crimes to become less user friendly than they already are. I have faith things will work out though 👌
Any questions, concerns, comments or additional thoughts or ideas, please post below...

Problem 1 is a problem because now everyone actively doing ops and playing has a ton of points and it takes forever to train them in the current gym. Even if someone was gonna buy a top point pack now, they shouldn't have to spend hours training that. On the flip side like I said above, it shouldn't be game changing where you can train 100k in a couple minutes, but it's gotta be better than 1 train per 2 clicks with a pause in between and taking days to get through 100k while waiting on throne etc