Why not have a cash option for people wanting the biggest house. Let them donate for a certain amount instead of trying to sell me points. So many credits per billion.

im broke but you buy people point packs on other games to trade em here instead of spending the money here directly? for a rich guy like you claim to be i dont understand why you claim to be top trader spend the money you claim to have and stop mailing all my traders your deals lmao stick to giving money to rajesh
as usual, you have no idea what you are even talking about
we never traded for stuff here in any quantity that wasn't made up off missions and shit elsewhere so you aren't even on the correct game for starters lol
then after you got banned here a 2nd time, I had to go and cover a ton of trades and fix the ratios back to normal because your crackhead prices when you needed quick cash don't work out to how any game economy is
also, I spend money on every game I play so I fail to see how you could possibly think otherwise. In fact I know you know that I do as we have gone over this before 🤣 🤣
I only mail my network of traders and unlike you I can positively say with 100% truth that all my deals have been legit trades since the start of these games and trading pretty much began. Long before you were even around trying to score a quick crack fix for some RL cash 🤣 🤣

lmao yah thats why i traded over 500k pts in a 2 days cause my ratios are crazy sit down bucko i know you edal with rajesh and your broke on every game othere then tb to trade lmao maybe slick can look up the trades you did with rajesh on mtr well over 500k pts close intel with him tells me you paid em for it also your trade with ron from wom to here was most likely a trade either from you buying him points from upgrade store or paying him paypal your a clown you cant beat me anywhere without having to spend touch grass you bitch and moan for everything tried getting me banned 2 times already since prestiges have been released you pussy

lmao yah thats why i traded over 500k pts in a 2 days cause my ratios are crazy sit down bucko i know you edal with rajesh and your broke on every game othere then tb to trade lmao maybe slick can look up the trades you did with rajesh on mtr well over 500k pts close intel with him tells me you paid em for it also your trade with ron from wom to here was most likely a trade either from you buying him points from upgrade store or paying him paypal your a clown you cant beat me anywhere without having to spend touch grass you bitch and moan for everything tried getting me banned 2 times already since prestiges have been released you pussy
what the actual fuck are you on about?? hitting that crack pipe hard tonight I see
all your ratios are always stupid high because you are fiending for your next gambling fix and/or drug habit. this is a well known fact
the total of my holdings on all of these games right now couldn't be replaced for under $10k USD. You prolly never even held that much cash in your entire life. So you should sit the fuck down and remember who it is you're talking to for one
I don't ever name drop, but my deals with rajesh were all legit just like everyone else. I have both sides of the transaction logs for every one of my trades too. They are always fair and legitimate. That's something I know you can't say because you got one side of yours and then paypal side for your crack fix 🤣 🤣
ron was another legit trade for points on wom which I covered. Idk why you and other ppl are so salty about that one still. Get fuckin wrecked. At least you know ron is a real person unlike the others lol.
you have already been banned here at least 2 times and on different accounts for starters. Neither of those had anything to do with me. You should be banned on every single game just because you are known to break TOS with flagrant offenses and constantly do stuff to get banned everywhere. Every game owner should just ban you on principle. Just for the fact that you have admitted to selling stuff for RL cash and most likely continue to do so. Not to mention all the other problems and shit you try to start.
Bottom line is this. You will never touch any of my accounts on any game as long as I am active. It won't ever happen. I would spend any amount of money just to make sure it didn't. Not only that, I would do it just to fuck with you because I can't stand you. We all know that you have a problem with people that can donate to games. The thing is that spending money is how these games survive and even if it wasn't it's still a feature of the game. It would be like saying "if you remove the attack feature you would never beat me" Just because you are a broke piece of shit with a gambling and drug problem doesn't mean you should take it out on the rest of the world. FFS dude go get some help IRL. Go to rehab, see a therapist or something. Because I'm not going anywhere and neither are these games and I will personally keep my foot on your neck until you quit, get banned, die of an overdose, etc

im talking to a lil bitch for a fact just cause i dont flex my money dont mean i dont have any lmao dropped more in my fucken motor then you have spent in your games in your entire life bucko i know your deals ive done em with you your as dirty as they come lmao i got ss i just wont show em around cause im not a bitch like i said come find me on any other game that isnt 10 years old pussy then you can run your mouth all you want just for ex of what im talking about your traded over 500k pts with ronburgundy for points on wom that is like 2days old at the time dont say you grinded the game and got him a crazy amount of money lmaooo you hypocrite

im talking to a lil bitch for a fact just cause i dont flex my money dont mean i dont have any lmao dropped more in my fucken motor then you have spent in your games in your entire life bucko i know your deals ive done em with you your as dirty as they come lmao i got ss i just wont show em around cause im not a bitch like i said come find me on any other game that isnt 10 years old pussy then you can run your mouth all you want just for ex of what im talking about your traded over 500k pts with ronburgundy for points on wom that is like 2days old at the time dont say you grinded the game and got him a crazy amount of money lmaooo you hypocrite
first off, you are the one trying to call me broke on games when you aint got shit and I have stuff literally everywhere so don't come at me like that when you know it aint true. I could send you ss of stuff on games that would make you cry. But then you would just say that game owners feed people stuff and your normal bullshit lies
I don't give a fuck how much money you dumped into the engine in your clapped out duramax either. Seriously are you like 20 years old?? 🤣 🤣
I used to race cars and trucks both street and strip. I'm sure you would get your doors blown off by a p-pumped cummins and a $5k build on a set of smoked craigslist mud tires 🤣 🤣
again, you can't stand the fact that ppl can spend money on games. Bro we get it. That doesn't mean that ppl are gonna stop tho 🤣 🤣