I propose a new throne being added to London that increases Mug Output by a %.
If the holder of the throne is not actively mugging, they are dealt tick damage until they either start mugging again, or they die. If they die due to blood loss the throne goes on cooldown. Similar to other thrones, if the player is actively muggging their health will restore.
Could open up another series of Achievements which would be fun, who doesn't like badges?
Would there be a 4th throne ever? 👀
Justifications for third throne: everybody generally has positive feelings about the number 3, thrones are always hopping with activity and variety is the spice of life, [generic humorous final suggestion].
Devil's Advocate against the third throne: Mugs aren't broken so get fucked sadwing.
If the holder of the throne is not actively mugging, they are dealt tick damage until they either start mugging again, or they die. If they die due to blood loss the throne goes on cooldown. Similar to other thrones, if the player is actively muggging their health will restore.
Could open up another series of Achievements which would be fun, who doesn't like badges?
Would there be a 4th throne ever? 👀
Justifications for third throne: everybody generally has positive feelings about the number 3, thrones are always hopping with activity and variety is the spice of life, [generic humorous final suggestion].
Devil's Advocate against the third throne: Mugs aren't broken so get fucked sadwing.

January - The Frost Giant
February - Cupid
March - The Leprechaun
April - The Prankster
May - The May Queen
June - The Sun King
July - The Firecracker
August - the Sunflower Guardian
September - The Harvest Scarecrow
October - The Headless Horseman
November - The Shadow of Autumn
December - Krampus
February - Cupid
March - The Leprechaun
April - The Prankster
May - The May Queen
June - The Sun King
July - The Firecracker
August - the Sunflower Guardian
September - The Harvest Scarecrow
October - The Headless Horseman
November - The Shadow of Autumn
December - Krampus
Monthly seems a tad excessive given how things normally go here. 4x a year would be good for 4 seasons tho.
Some of these should be trolled if they ever do become a thing. Like the frost giant being a midget or having a lot of gatorade frost. Cupid being a pimp. The sun king getting skin cancer. The May fly instead of a queen. And make a game skin that has flies buzzing around like the snow flake one for Christmas. The harvest scarecrow being a migrant worker and things like that 🤣 🤣

Perhaps a scale back to quarterly could be good, as MJ is pretty good about doing events. And I agree, this is mafia, this shit should be adjacent to a horror film.