18 Sep 2021, 10:37:06 pm
Post: 4/29
12K Points there and rising i want here.


0 1
18 Sep 2021, 10:40:50 pm
Post: 74/449
Msg me for a better rate instead 👍

This guy is shady AF
18 Sep 2021, 11:22:27 pm
Post: 5/29
Dudes a known scam do not listen to him trades with newbs so he can profit off them.
18 Sep 2021, 11:41:40 pm
Post: 75/449
Everyone who has ever traded with [FU] S L i C K  prestige is getting ripped off or has gotten ripped off

That's what happens when you trade with someone who doesn't actually play 🤣

Msg me for better and more reliable deals 👍
18 Sep 2021, 11:58:02 pm
Post: 6/29
9K left already doing great ratio trades whilst this pussy above talks his shit!
19 Sep 2021, 12:04:23 am
Post: 76/449
not only can I cover more than 9k on there but I can also ward him on every game too if he already ripped you off

message me about paid hits as well 👍
19 Sep 2021, 9:40:04 am
Post: 7/29
back upto 11k there done 2 trades already since this post was made
19 Sep 2021, 5:06:48 pm
Post: 77/449
yeah, still ripping ppl off I'm sure

msg me for a better deal 🍻
19 Sep 2021, 7:29:25 pm
Post: 8/29
down to 10k there taking all dogberts trades with my better ratios.