Hello Criminals,
After much counting, and consultations, I have your winners!
Most Hated Criminal Millz
Most Loved Criminal Bugaboo
The True Criminal Always
Best Gang DDD -
[im*g]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210718/f580a547a83248a6be34e5f05276f298.png [/im*g]
[im*g]https://i.ibb.co/VvNKMqw/41251-41251-1000x750-removebg-preview.png [/im*g]
Worst Gang T$E -
Best Buster Bugaboo -
Best Hitman Mickey -
Worst Hitman Rafflesia -
Best Whore Rafflesia -
Best Name Lord Voldemort -
Worst Name Goldenshit -
Best Sig Bugaboo -
Biggest Crybaby Goldenshit -

[im*g]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210717/c0843d8fe8ba846dea50d5d39a791a03.png [/im*g][i*mg]https://i.ibb.co/bPtVcj3/istockphoto-531150319-170667a-removebg-preview.png[/im*g]
Best Bunny MTD -
After much counting, and consultations, I have your winners!
Most Hated Criminal Millz

Most Loved Criminal Bugaboo

The True Criminal Always

Best Gang DDD -

[im*g]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210718/f580a547a83248a6be34e5f05276f298.png [/im*g]
[im*g]https://i.ibb.co/VvNKMqw/41251-41251-1000x750-removebg-preview.png [/im*g]
Worst Gang T$E -

Best Buster Bugaboo -

Best Hitman Mickey -

Worst Hitman Rafflesia -

Best Whore Rafflesia -

Best Name Lord Voldemort -

Worst Name Goldenshit -

Best Sig Bugaboo -

Biggest Crybaby Goldenshit -

[im*g]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210717/c0843d8fe8ba846dea50d5d39a791a03.png [/im*g][i*mg]https://i.ibb.co/bPtVcj3/istockphoto-531150319-170667a-removebg-preview.png[/im*g]
Best Bunny MTD -


Congratulations to everyone who made it, enjoy the rewards, boast, and prepare yourselves. For where honor grows, gunfire follows.

Also special thanks to Mr White for all his creativity on these. I liked them most because they weren't the standard "Award + Font" he put some real thought into these awards, I especially like the whore'in one. Nice touch!