Hello Criminals,
This is the second batch of polls surrounding the contract changes.
The results of the last set are:
1. "Should we reveal who kills you using death contracts?" this poll was deadlocked, so we will be keeping killers anonymous for death contracts.
2. "Should we reveal who lists you on death contracts?" with a 68% yes, if they don't pay a fee: we have now implemented this. You will be able to see who lists you on the contract page (yes, you will now see your own listings), as well as get their name in your death event, if they don't pay the anonymous fee.
3. "Should we increase costs of death contracts?" with a 77% vote of yes: we have implemented this already as well. Basic cost is now $50,000 / 50 points with a $10,000 / 10 points fee. And the anonymous fee will be a doubled minimum cost ($100,000 / 100 points).
4. "Should we decrease the cost of medical certificates?" we already decreased the cost of medical items to assist in the war.
So moving on, the protection items:
Seems less necessary now that you know who will be torturing you, or they will be paying hefty fees, but that's up to y'all to decide.
The yes options for the next two polls also include limits, so 1 per day, would mean they can only use 1 attack protection per day. (They will last 1 hour each if voted yes).
The next two polls are only useful if the previous are voted yes.
I don't think this one will be that big of an issue anymore with the increased fees, but we can vote regardless.
Unrelated to death contracts / protections, but we are going to start using polls for more controversial issues.
We will add a point dealer if voted yes, but we will be adding limits if so.
> There will be weekly limits.
> The price can change week to week in case point prices change.
> You will receive dealer points instead of real points, which you can only use to refill attributes, you will not be able to transfer or gamble these points away.
> There will be a small activity points fee, so you will need to be at least a little bit active to get points from the dealer.
The Criminal Warfare Team.
This is the second batch of polls surrounding the contract changes.
The results of the last set are:
1. "Should we reveal who kills you using death contracts?" this poll was deadlocked, so we will be keeping killers anonymous for death contracts.
2. "Should we reveal who lists you on death contracts?" with a 68% yes, if they don't pay a fee: we have now implemented this. You will be able to see who lists you on the contract page (yes, you will now see your own listings), as well as get their name in your death event, if they don't pay the anonymous fee.
3. "Should we increase costs of death contracts?" with a 77% vote of yes: we have implemented this already as well. Basic cost is now $50,000 / 50 points with a $10,000 / 10 points fee. And the anonymous fee will be a doubled minimum cost ($100,000 / 100 points).
4. "Should we decrease the cost of medical certificates?" we already decreased the cost of medical items to assist in the war.
So moving on, the protection items:
Seems less necessary now that you know who will be torturing you, or they will be paying hefty fees, but that's up to y'all to decide.
The yes options for the next two polls also include limits, so 1 per day, would mean they can only use 1 attack protection per day. (They will last 1 hour each if voted yes).
Should we add attack protection?
Should we add mug protection?
The next two polls are only useful if the previous are voted yes.
If attack protections are added, should the user not be allowed to attack anyone else?
If mug protections are added, should the user not be allowed to mug anyone else?
I don't think this one will be that big of an issue anymore with the increased fees, but we can vote regardless.
Limit the number of contracts a player can add on another per day?
Unrelated to death contracts / protections, but we are going to start using polls for more controversial issues.
We will add a point dealer if voted yes, but we will be adding limits if so.
> There will be weekly limits.
> The price can change week to week in case point prices change.
> You will receive dealer points instead of real points, which you can only use to refill attributes, you will not be able to transfer or gamble these points away.
> There will be a small activity points fee, so you will need to be at least a little bit active to get points from the dealer.
Add a Point Dealer?
The Criminal Warfare Team.

We need meanie protection, that blocks people permanently from being meanies the game is dying without it

We need meanie protection, that blocks people permanently from being meanies the game is dying without it
I agree to a way to retaliate however you have to take into consideration those who spent time to get their accounts to where they are have the right to sit and attack etc.. theyre top up there for a reason. Those that dont want to out train and pass them shouldnt just be "protected" then it just isnt a criminal warfare anymore..
Probably something usable through Activity Points could be integrated and would/could be a fun little mini game to kill them ones up there that you cant kill ie a few people band together and do a drive by.. AP to buy a car and guns then you get a few active players that jump in and you go hit em as a group attack like you would in proper world otherwise you literally leave the scene and go into witsec like you do in the movies and stop all crime and lay low