14 Oct 2021, 7:52:46 pm
Post: 168/228
To Celebrate Ducky hitting Level 200, I am holding the biggest raffle we've EVER Done.

100 Tickets, 2 tickets per person, each ticket costs 2000 points. That means the grand prize winner will get 200,000 Points!

And everyone will get to participate in a very lucrative Mugfest...but with an unusual spin. Buy some tickets, and we'll talk about the rest #soon.

I will buy tickets, and in the event I win, I will sell each of the 200,000 points for a mere $200 each - but .... the points won't all be available at once, they will hit the point market during specific, and announced windows, so plan accordingly!

Please buy a raffle ticket or two at https://criminal-warfare.com/raffles.php https://criminal-warfare.com/raffles.php


14 Oct 2021, 8:07:05 pm
Post: 96/150
and no thanks u to me for help u get there ok i note it down and circle with a x
14 Oct 2021, 8:12:02 pm
Post: 169/228
I missed your help in all the muggin pages, i hoped it was you helping me cat mans.
14 Oct 2021, 8:21:51 pm
Post: 97/150
let me save u an edit to raffle make it at least 4 per player there not 50 player active with 4k point to join... but there pobebly is 25 with 8k... or maybe kratos can have his whole family and they grandma to fill it up 👍 👍
14 Oct 2021, 8:25:33 pm
Post: 170/228
Ima fuckin do it. 4 tickets per!
15 Oct 2021, 12:11:13 am
Post: 88/452
congrats on lvl 200 🍻

is there only 1 winning spot in this waffle for first place of the 200k?

sounds that way but post is confusing and want to confirm exactly how rigged this waffle will be
17 Oct 2021, 1:11:44 am
Post: 171/228
Nice turnaround time y'all. Tomorrow's lazy sunday, I'll draw the winners mid-day based on when i wake up from my grumpy old man nap.
17 Oct 2021, 3:12:13 pm
Post: 172/228
....... has been declared winner!

— Today at 11:09 AM

Ducky — Today at 11:09 AM
Killmonger is our winner!!!

What this means for everyone else....this coming Saturday, the 23rd, I will have 50 Million cold hard cash dropped on me at 4 points throughout the day.

12PM Game Time
3PM Game Time
6PM Game Time
9 PM Game Time

You have plenty of notice, and can plan ahead for this event! I hope you all get oodles of cash, and thank you for participating!
23 Oct 2021, 3:01:29 pm
Post: 174/228
Remember y'all, some big money to get today! Be ready!!