17 Mar 2022, 11:57:24 pm
Post: 138/240
Hello Criminals,

We are introducing a Criminal Pass, located: HERE, it will also be linked on the main menu, if you have a custom menu order, you will need to add it yourself.

For the month of march this feature is free, there are 100 levels each which will require you to complete 2 different tasks.
1) a main objective, do what it asks you to do, for example 1,000 crimes, you'll need to do 1,000 crimes for it to be completed.
2) bonus points objective, you need to reach a certain number of bonus points, you'll see how to accumulate bonus points at the bottom of the Criminal Pass page.

Or if you are feeling super lazy, you can skip a level for 100 credits.

You will have until April 1st to complete this free criminal pass. Beyond that each month will cost 1,000 credits for 100 levels.

Prizes include game items, points, money, activity points and criminal pass exclusive operations.

Thanks and enjoy,
The Criminal Warfare Team.


18 Mar 2022, 12:56:42 am
Post: 3/13
Is the Bonus pts thing meant to reset each level?