1 Apr 2021, 12:50:15 pm
Post: 1/240
Hello Criminals!

You are probably one of the luckiest criminals crawling around this shitty world. You have been blessed with 2 of the most dedicated programmers that want to see nothing more than having this game succeed. If you look around you will see this is a fairly basic game, with a lot of growth potential. We like to see our games built around the players and their suggestions. We will be pumping suggestions out as fast as we can. You can post your suggestions here. The most thought out suggestions will be prioritized. As well as the most popular suggestions, so make sure you rate up your favorite suggestion threads.

We don't want to waste time. We are looking for a couple of game moderators right at the start of the game! Responsibilities include: viewing logs to make sure users are not cheating or playing with multiple accounts, answering support tickets that you can and handling player reports. To apply: mail either [CW] 🇳🇱  prestige or [CW] HaxxBlaze  prestige. Start the message with "I am applying for the position of GM." Include any reason you want to be considered (optional). While optional, we will be more likely to consider you with a reason.

Please report any bugs in a support ticket: here. These will be fixed as soon as possible.

The Criminal Warfare Team.
