🌟 Introducing ITEM SMELTING! 🌟
Transform your arsenal into something even more formidable with our brand new Smelting Feature!
🔹 How it Works:
Upgrade Your Gear: Convert your existing items into higher-tier, albeit less rare, items of the same class.
Example: Got an Excellent Silver Sword? Smelt it to receive 20 Normal Gold Axes!
🔹 Smelting Rates:
Good -> 1 Normal
Better -> 5 Normal
Excellent -> 20 Normal
Epic -> 60 Normal
Legendary -> 120 Normal
(🚫 Normal items are non-smeltable.)
🔹 Item Progression:
Upgrade through an exciting range: Copper -> Tin -> Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Jadeite -> Cobaltite -> Eternal -> Opal -> Onyx -> Apatite -> Ruby -> Sapphire -> Emerald -> Amethyst
(Note: Amethyst items are the pinnacle and cannot be smelted.)
🔹 Efficiency Tools:
"Smelt All" / "Merge All" Buttons: Opt for convenience or economy - these tools are time-savers, but they come at a credit cost.
🚀 Ready to revolutionize your gear? Remember, strategic smelting can be the key to your criminal empire's success!
🌟 Lastly, there are also smelting achievements to go with the merging achievements from this past week. You will receive 1 smelting point for every normal item you get! So Smelt a legendary item and get 120 smelting points towards your achievement.
👀 Stay Sharp, Stay Powerful!