My suggestion is that weapons armour shoes and maybe off hand items should have more than 1 unique attributes depending on the item and also include rarity. allow certain weapons to be acquired by an event or randomly by search downtown. Allow the city to see how many of each exist in the world. To me this adds more fundamentals to the game.
Bat (shop items are infinite)
- strength 1%
- speed 5%
- defense 0%
Bazooka (/100)
- strength 45%
- speed -25%
- defence 0%
Let me know what you think. Thank you
Bat (shop items are infinite)
- strength 1%
- speed 5%
- defense 0%
Bazooka (/100)
- strength 45%
- speed -25%
- defence 0%
Let me know what you think. Thank you

I like the idea of having a set amount of top weapons. Like only 100 of the best weapon / armor available. As the game grows, the value will increase. The idea of rares in a game excite me. Heh.

it would almost be like NFT lol. And yes if they can add certain drops to the search downtown and allow us to keep searching downtown for x amount of points theoretically this would create a larger demand for points whether it is to flip the points to buy the rare item from marketplace or use points to search downtown