This suggestion is for a new item for doing kills. A kill master if you will 👀
But... not the kill master from over yonder because that would be too OP here and necessitate other items that would be way too powerful as well.
However, something else that would provide a double count on ops while doing kills. How it would work is simple really. You go about your killing the normal way and it counts 1x for your acct total kills, achievements, OTH, OTD, skills, arena, gang missions, etc. But for operations, it would count 2x kills on the objectives for them if you had a kill master item active.
For instance, if you did 1k kills with a kill master, it would give you 2k kills completed on operations to help you get through them faster. Because let's face it, just daily kill operations alone are in the hundreds of thousands now and flooding in more every day with no chance to ever really get them done. Even the monthly ones become a chore after awhile, and now there are more sets of ops released with the new criminal pass feature also.
I don't really have much else to add in terms of specifics on this. I'm sure with a small amount of testing it could be dialed in pretty quick. A timer like crime master where it lasts for an hour or 2 would be cool. A count might be even better though if it lasted for say 5k kills worth per item. That way ppl couldn't bitch about it not being fair or they got screwed on using one because they chose to use it when 3 other ppl were doing kills lol. Available to buy with credits or AP same as crime master. Price to be determined by admins and based on how good it is 😝
But... not the kill master from over yonder because that would be too OP here and necessitate other items that would be way too powerful as well.
However, something else that would provide a double count on ops while doing kills. How it would work is simple really. You go about your killing the normal way and it counts 1x for your acct total kills, achievements, OTH, OTD, skills, arena, gang missions, etc. But for operations, it would count 2x kills on the objectives for them if you had a kill master item active.
For instance, if you did 1k kills with a kill master, it would give you 2k kills completed on operations to help you get through them faster. Because let's face it, just daily kill operations alone are in the hundreds of thousands now and flooding in more every day with no chance to ever really get them done. Even the monthly ones become a chore after awhile, and now there are more sets of ops released with the new criminal pass feature also.
I don't really have much else to add in terms of specifics on this. I'm sure with a small amount of testing it could be dialed in pretty quick. A timer like crime master where it lasts for an hour or 2 would be cool. A count might be even better though if it lasted for say 5k kills worth per item. That way ppl couldn't bitch about it not being fair or they got screwed on using one because they chose to use it when 3 other ppl were doing kills lol. Available to buy with credits or AP same as crime master. Price to be determined by admins and based on how good it is 😝

it's not that kill bots would be a bad idea, but idk how you could ever make it fair based on player stats because the way kills are you obviously need stats to kill ppl with so they couldn't just be like bust bots where a lvl 1 player shows up and does kills with 100% success without ever training
changing ward times is complicated because that would mean some ppl would have to gain extra HP to be attack targets or would completely change how the game is setup where HP refills more on the 5 min mark or ward times change at such a late point in the game now that it doesn't seem fair to others who have done large amounts of kills already. It would essentially just make it easier for ppl to run kills for free whereas a premium item gives a decent advantage to make it worth buying but isn't so overpowered where it changes the game state. Also, it would cost more to do the kills that way vs do less kills but have the count stacked 2x on operations
changing ward times is complicated because that would mean some ppl would have to gain extra HP to be attack targets or would completely change how the game is setup where HP refills more on the 5 min mark or ward times change at such a late point in the game now that it doesn't seem fair to others who have done large amounts of kills already. It would essentially just make it easier for ppl to run kills for free whereas a premium item gives a decent advantage to make it worth buying but isn't so overpowered where it changes the game state. Also, it would cost more to do the kills that way vs do less kills but have the count stacked 2x on operations

the lower/insta spawn could be premium item and spawn bots for a limited period of time