- Gang Wars last 24hours
- 24hr Cooldown Period till they can Defend another War
- Wars are initiated by the Attacking Gang Leader instantly
- Players in the attacking & defending gang cannot leave the gang during this period
- Each attacking hit won +1 respect, Each attacking hit lost -3 respect (Defender wins)
- Scatter Bombs do not deduct respect. Hits have to be straight attacks
- No death timers
Winner is the gang with the most respect accumulated within the 24hrs.
Part 2: Use of Respect
Respect to be used to exchange for 3 different rings, each of different value with its purpose of unlocking perks in the gang for members.
Diamond, Gold, Silver rings
Respect can be automatically exchanged for Silver Rings.
Need 5 Silver Rings to Unlock 1 Gold Ring
Need 10 Gold to Unlock A Diamond Ring
Part 3: The Use of The Rings
We can add in Perks that adds Permanent buffs for Gang Members such as Perks for:
- Bank Interest
- Crit Hits
- Crime XP/Cash
- Inc Perc in Gym
- Unique hits (Dont require travel, hit anyone anywhere, Max 3 a Day)
- Team Hits (Max 6 a day) Range from 1 to 6 per lvl unlocked
- Extra Awake per lvl
- Extra Nerve
- Discount on House Purchase (increases per level)
- Chance to Double Hit
*Doesnt have to be all im just adding whatever comes to mind*
Of course with the first level or 2 requires a certain amount of Silver Rings. Lvl 3 - 6 Requires certain number of Gold Rings and Lvl 7 to 10 requires a number of Diamond Rings
Part 4: Unique Gang Achievements:
Rank 1:
- Unique Emblem beside the Prestige icon for all gang members
- For RM players: + Unique Profile Pic Border for all gang members
Members Respect Contribution Achievement Badges
Members Kills Contribution Achievements Badges
(Badges are removed when you leave the gang, start from 0)
To be continued....
- 24hr Cooldown Period till they can Defend another War
- Wars are initiated by the Attacking Gang Leader instantly
- Players in the attacking & defending gang cannot leave the gang during this period
- Each attacking hit won +1 respect, Each attacking hit lost -3 respect (Defender wins)
- Scatter Bombs do not deduct respect. Hits have to be straight attacks
- No death timers
Winner is the gang with the most respect accumulated within the 24hrs.
Part 2: Use of Respect
Respect to be used to exchange for 3 different rings, each of different value with its purpose of unlocking perks in the gang for members.
Diamond, Gold, Silver rings
Respect can be automatically exchanged for Silver Rings.
Need 5 Silver Rings to Unlock 1 Gold Ring
Need 10 Gold to Unlock A Diamond Ring
Part 3: The Use of The Rings
We can add in Perks that adds Permanent buffs for Gang Members such as Perks for:
- Bank Interest
- Crit Hits
- Crime XP/Cash
- Inc Perc in Gym
- Unique hits (Dont require travel, hit anyone anywhere, Max 3 a Day)
- Team Hits (Max 6 a day) Range from 1 to 6 per lvl unlocked
- Extra Awake per lvl
- Extra Nerve
- Discount on House Purchase (increases per level)
- Chance to Double Hit
*Doesnt have to be all im just adding whatever comes to mind*
Of course with the first level or 2 requires a certain amount of Silver Rings. Lvl 3 - 6 Requires certain number of Gold Rings and Lvl 7 to 10 requires a number of Diamond Rings
Part 4: Unique Gang Achievements:
Rank 1:
- Unique Emblem beside the Prestige icon for all gang members
- For RM players: + Unique Profile Pic Border for all gang members
Members Respect Contribution Achievement Badges
Members Kills Contribution Achievements Badges
(Badges are removed when you leave the gang, start from 0)
To be continued....

What about outside members interference? If gang A goes to war against gang B, can gang C still hit? That was a loophole some gangs took advantage of in the past

Never heard of that before. I guess we can just declare war on gang C too and go at it lol

how would that be fair for gangs b and c, they both have to fight for kills while a get double the choices

im not a fan of outside interference rules, regardless of me implementing them in the past 🤣
gangs b and c can start and war and do nothing and use it as a 24 hour attack protection from gang a 😴 😴 😴
gangs b and c can start and war and do nothing and use it as a 24 hour attack protection from gang a 😴 😴 😴

im not a fan of outside interference rules, regardless of me implementing them in the past 🤣
gangs b and c can start and war and do nothing and use it as a 24 hour attack protection from gang a 😴 😴 😴
gangs b and c can start and war and do nothing and use it as a 24 hour attack protection from gang a 😴 😴 😴
wait no. Just put a rule where a gang at war cannot be declared war on until the first war is done.
Players outside the war can attack them if for instance they have beef or its someone running through the user list to complete an ops

nobody on here gonna actually war anyway
they can't even handle no protection for 3 days 🤣 🤣 🤣
they can't even handle no protection for 3 days 🤣 🤣 🤣