21 Jun 2024, 12:34:01 pm
Post: 402/422
So, it is quite apparent that players can be logged in on here in both their main and character accounts at the same time from different devices. You can see this as they complete operations on both of their accounts simultaneously 👀 👀

Now I would never point any fingers and call anyone a cheater boi or cheater girl or cheater non binary person, place or thing but this seems like an unfair advantage for players who only can access the game from a single device. For instance a player who can only play on their phone and can't have a separate device running their 2nd account. Or someone who just plays casually and doesn't sit at home or in an office playing on 2, 3, 4 devices between games because they have no life.

It seems like this is just a type of workaround for being logged in on multiple sessions which most every game has shut down due to potential for cheating and site security breaches etc. In fact, some might argue this is actually worse because the way these accts are set up opens the door for other possibilities I won't list off here in a public forum. But I'm sure the webmasters can catch my drift

It would be nice to see a solution to this problem or get some official input from sadmins on why it would be permitted. Perhaps it is not supposed to be permitted and is just in need of being fixed. I'm not entirely sure but the issue remains as described above.


21 Jun 2024, 3:06:56 pm
Post: 190/199
To be helpful: Download different browsers on your device and those will each carry its own logon.

To be more helpful: If they do not have a second device, consider theft from the rich.

To be even MORE helpful: If you need a second device much badly, email me, I have an abundance and don't mind helping. The devices aren't the newest, but they're not obsolete yet.

Much respect for calling out the Enby community <3

Perhaps I have been too far gone from the game to understand the complexity of the issue you're reporting, can you dumb it down for me like i was one of those Gamestop Stock holders who ate all the green crayons. What are the risks of this being allowed to perpetuate?

21 Jun 2024, 9:37:39 pm
Post: 403/422
I am aware of how the sessions work. However, I was under the impression that it has already been outlawed by the sadmin roping team like many other games

See, for most stand up guys like myself and you and most others, it is never an issue. However, for some unscrupulous individuals who may or may not be cheater bois, they do things to abuse the session logins. Such as run a refresher program in Chrome, and then login on Brave and go about their normal clicking or "spy" in the 2nd browser while the first runs unattended in the background on the same device. Or they could have 2 different devices and click lock crimes on their PC and then login their phone and click lock gym on their phone. Giving an unfair advantage even if they try to argue that it is playing legit. Or some other folks could have one PC with 2 sessions as described above and a 2nd PC doing the same and then a 3rd login on their phone if you see where I'm going with this.

When the game was still a newborn all swaddled up like baby jesus, I had checked this to make sure that changing sessions gives a forced logout. Like if you login from Edge and do your dailies like a nice quiet boomer and then you go on to your turbo browser like a Fiery Fox, and want to click out a thousand kills without it crashing, when you went to go back to the first session, it would be a forced logout and prompt you to log back in again. That is how almost every game works to prevent cheating and security breaches that are well known issues in the community.

I haven't actually tested this again, but I have witnessed what I described with the new character acct feature and main accts. Where they can both be played in separate sessions on different devices and do things like ops and other game features simultaneously. So you can see how this is not only an unfair advantage but if everyone took advantage of it, could also cause lag issues and other problems too which we have had in the past under heavy server loads.

Now, I'm not suggesting that if you login on one tab in the same browser and then switch to your character acct in a second tab in the same browser to have it force logout and start a new session. That would just be dumb and annoying. Now I'm not the best webmaster like sadmin spiderman but I'm pretty sure that can be done without allowing what we have now. So that way you could comfortably sit on Edge browser checking your stocks and grand kids photos and both your main and charizard acct in the same session. But if cheater bois or those pesky zoomers wanted to use 2 dif browsers or 2 dif devices to gain an unfair advantage or blatantly cheat, then sadmins say NO just like most of these players asking for dates 🤣 🤣

I appreciate the kind offer for a second device but like I said, I have certain morals to uphold. Especially during my upcoming presidential campaign. Fox-Tuah 2024.

I also have plenty of my own devices. I could hotspot wifi on my real phone and run a second burner phone and a laptop off that connection if I wanted to. Or one of my fancy networks I pay too much monies for they call some weird letters and numbers like wiffy6e or some shit. Nobody really knows what that means. Only that it's expensive and we're all getting ripped off by the ISP's who try to milk infrastructure costs for decades.
21 Jun 2024, 9:56:10 pm
Post: 191/199
Thank you for the explanation, I will leave this to individuals far more sober than I ams at present to respond.
22 Jun 2024, 1:37:12 am
Post: 10/14