You have to start adding more items, gear and properties to get. Theres nothing to aim for atm. can get maxed out within a day max and then what is there to do?

add a weapon and armor? Why? They cancel each other out and take money from the players. Never need new weapons.

Maybe have some super rare items that can only be found downtown, won in contests, etc.

"Rares" are always awesome. And, Sneaky, you could have weapons that "wear out" over time decreasing their efficiency. There could also be weapons that require things like bullets or rockets or whatever. So, you'd have to make sure your weapon is loaded. Just some thoughts...

taintedme wrote
"Rares" are always awesome. And, Sneaky, you could have weapons that "wear out" over time decreasing their efficiency. There could also be weapons that require things like bullets or rockets or whatever. So, you'd have to make sure your weapon is loaded. Just some thoughts...