Two suggestions:
1. Failed attempts send prize money/points to the target.
2. Hits will give experience to the winner of the battle.
1. Failed attempts send prize money/points to the target.
2. Hits will give experience to the winner of the battle.

And if that’s the case, then maybe send the money back or w/e but the fee is lost.
You’re taking a risk by posting hundreds at a time.
Also I don’t think they should get their money returned to them.
You’re taking a risk by posting hundreds at a time.
Also I don’t think they should get their money returned to them.
that would actually kinda make sense but for a different scenario
for instance if you really wanted someone dead and put up a big bounty like 1k points or 1 mil cash
then forfeiting the game fee but returning the player cash because the hit was unsuccessful makes sense like that
I think everyone is just so used to seeing them posted dirt cheap now that we haven't gotten to see the full potential yet 🤣

make contracts count as a death 🐧
this too
and count for hof spots
and add the achievements for them that we were promised months ago 👀

na shouldnt count for hof, only game generated ones should. And only actual attacks (not hitlist) should count towards attacks/deaths.