Should lose a few stats for just sitting there and doing nothing. I have watched many attack to get it and then idle. They are only worried about free points from achievement's. Use the mother fooker to train.

There currently is no cooldown once you take the throne - so someone can steal it a few seconds after. There’s just a timer on the maximum amount of minutes one can hold it (15 mins I think) before a 20 min cooldown kicks in where the current throne holder is kicked out of it and nobody can claim it.

the plan was to base more health on the # of achievements.
what we can do is make it so you get 250 * (# of stats gained on throne achievements earned) extra hp
by default, everyone is given 1,000 hp. under this, you'd have a maximum of 3,500 hp given the current achievement structure for stats gained on sydney throne. and would reward those who actually train on the throne.
and it helps to have more stats when attacking, someone with 30 stats, can only attack 1 hp at a time, someone with 750mil stats attacks 8 hp at a time.
what we can do is make it so you get 250 * (# of stats gained on throne achievements earned) extra hp
by default, everyone is given 1,000 hp. under this, you'd have a maximum of 3,500 hp given the current achievement structure for stats gained on sydney throne. and would reward those who actually train on the throne.
and it helps to have more stats when attacking, someone with 30 stats, can only attack 1 hp at a time, someone with 750mil stats attacks 8 hp at a time.

the extra HP for it sounds like a good idea but it is just way too easy for someone with no stats to take it the way it is now
plus there's still nothing to stop 2 ppl with no stats from just taking it back and forth all day for the current achievements and even if they don't burn certs on it, the times are too favored for farming points
for instance Player A takes the empty throne and then 2 seconds later Player B takes it. Player A goes to ward for 5 mins and can come back after that and take it from Player B and then sit for 5 mins while Player B heals and repeat over and over again. The way it currently is not only do they get an achievement for taking it but also the minutes sat there doing nothing. And 5 mins to heal leaves plenty of time before the 10 min seat is up, so there is nothing to disrupt it unless they go a full 10 mins and hit the forced cooldown. If Player C came along in between and took it then it just gives one of them an extra 5 min break. There really is no downside to this the way it is currently setup unless Player C wards them first
but even then, 2 people could out play that if they were smart enough or waited to heal and started again before the time ran up
I wish I had a good solution to cover all bases on this but can't think of something that covers them all with no downsides. Corners work over yonder because of the forced cooldown and not sending ppl to the ward after thereby causing more problems 😝
however that means higher turnover and less time spent but the 20 min cooldown on the throne already cuts down on time as it is so maybe if that was adjusted and the time held between could be balanced out better then it could work?
personally I think the thrones should be based on player attributes and especially so if more thrones will be added into the game later
for the train one, higher stats should prevail if the option is getting warded to be dethroned
for the exp one, higher exp/level should prevail and maybe have the option be to go to jail and a forced buyout in points or something
if there was a money gained one, have it take cash from bank when dethroned to discourage ppl sitting there and not using it
stuff like that
plus there's still nothing to stop 2 ppl with no stats from just taking it back and forth all day for the current achievements and even if they don't burn certs on it, the times are too favored for farming points
for instance Player A takes the empty throne and then 2 seconds later Player B takes it. Player A goes to ward for 5 mins and can come back after that and take it from Player B and then sit for 5 mins while Player B heals and repeat over and over again. The way it currently is not only do they get an achievement for taking it but also the minutes sat there doing nothing. And 5 mins to heal leaves plenty of time before the 10 min seat is up, so there is nothing to disrupt it unless they go a full 10 mins and hit the forced cooldown. If Player C came along in between and took it then it just gives one of them an extra 5 min break. There really is no downside to this the way it is currently setup unless Player C wards them first

but even then, 2 people could out play that if they were smart enough or waited to heal and started again before the time ran up
I wish I had a good solution to cover all bases on this but can't think of something that covers them all with no downsides. Corners work over yonder because of the forced cooldown and not sending ppl to the ward after thereby causing more problems 😝
however that means higher turnover and less time spent but the 20 min cooldown on the throne already cuts down on time as it is so maybe if that was adjusted and the time held between could be balanced out better then it could work?
personally I think the thrones should be based on player attributes and especially so if more thrones will be added into the game later
for the train one, higher stats should prevail if the option is getting warded to be dethroned
for the exp one, higher exp/level should prevail and maybe have the option be to go to jail and a forced buyout in points or something
if there was a money gained one, have it take cash from bank when dethroned to discourage ppl sitting there and not using it
stuff like that