
Fuck Dogbert

Fuck Dogbert
Yup When new players have enough trouble trying to play because of the lag and then Dogeta hits any online player. Lag make it bad Dog makes it worse. 
I see you're still crying 🤣 🤣
The hits will never stop until my buyout demands are met. Not sure what part of that is unclear but I will post it again for the 100th time 👍
you are crying and in fact you never stop crying after months and months
there are no new players so stop using that excuse
anyone on my hitlist is there for a reason and it has nothing to do with the age of their acct 🙄

Fuck Dogbert
narcissistic slob. Always downing people. 
that's a rich statement coming from you and what you have changed your name to
however stating facts isn't putting anyone down and frankly I don't care if it is taken that way because it's targeted at you who is a well known piece of shit with overwhelming evidence of that throughout your entire time here on this game
go back to your safe space because you obv forgot how things play out when you run your mouth in chat

just delete the bot it would be a major improvement to the game 🤣🤣🤣
but there's a thread for that.
this is about the game being unplayable as it is.
Unless that is the goal. Howcome there are players asking for a paid feature like cp and nobody has time for it?
Freaking pot too good?
but there's a thread for that.
this is about the game being unplayable as it is.
Unless that is the goal. Howcome there are players asking for a paid feature like cp and nobody has time for it?
Freaking pot too good?