9 Mar 2023, 4:57:46 am
Post: 91/157
You want the donations but half the shit is broke.
Attack the Sydney Throne 275 times. 256 / 275
Get 1 attack per knocking them off.

Gym wouldn't work unless you log out and back in.

This is starting to suck with stuff being broken daily


26 Mar 2023, 3:07:28 pm
Post: 66/181
five min crime masters? can u give me my old ones back and just make five min ones their own unique item?
26 Mar 2023, 3:15:59 pm
Post: 172/424
Crime Master: 1 Hour [Immediate Use] 👀

honestly, crime master on a count would have been a better option

so you can toggle it on and off as needed

1 hour is a big commitment for max gains but 5 mins seems like you'll spend that long F5ing crime masters now 🤣
26 Mar 2023, 3:41:18 pm
Post: 67/181
also....can't buy the deal of the day thinger :(
26 Mar 2023, 3:48:34 pm
Post: 68/181
nvrmnd...that's fixed
26 Mar 2023, 3:49:41 pm
Post: 69/181
u didn't credit the correct amts to gang vaults....of the revamped items
26 Mar 2023, 3:53:37 pm
Post: 148/226
fixed now, thanks
26 Mar 2023, 4:00:25 pm
Post: 30/67
Scatter bombs not working
26 Mar 2023, 4:01:45 pm
Post: 173/424
items on market weren't credited either 🙃