24 Nov 2023, 9:19:12 am
Post: 40/104

The Rub a Chicken Item is a special item which allows you to gain random rewards by using it.

The item has a specified number of uses, so please be aware.

1. When you send it to a player, you and that player will get a reward.
2. The player will then have the item, so, that player will need to send it back.
3. Once all the uses are used the chicken will disintegrate.

*when you send it to a user, the list will only be of users online in the last 24 hours*

Rewards include but are not limited to:

1. Points
2. Levels
3. Hospital Time
4. Gradient Name Days

Of course I am not going to list all the possibilities, there are a few of them.

Hope this information helps.


