18 Jan 2024, 12:47:59 am
Post: 101/104

The winner of the Arena Throne Attacks this week will win a 100% Resale Token.

Who is going to claim the throne?

Talking about this (you can also click the header):

*The winner will also win a special achievement*

*The 100% Resale Token will allow you to sell your property for 100% of the $ value. One time only and non-transferable.*

Happy Rebellion



0 1
18 Jan 2024, 7:50:13 pm
Post: 375/448
[UCR] Dracula  prestige wrote

So let us see if I can answer everyone's comment in one fell swoop.

- If we are trying to actively kill the game? Why have we been investing time into getting the game active and updating things? Think things through, people.

- Players will never be 100% behind anything, they will hate some things and like others. That has and will always be the case.

- Bottom line? If it was about the bottom line, the 'sadmins', as you put it, would have closed the game or opened a new server. Instead, they have attempted to do the game justice for...guess who? The loyal base 🖕.

- Housing... maybe wait till they are released before we throw a fit, and maybe let's remember that I can see the game statics (ie how much money + points are in the game).

- If you are unhappy about how shit is? Drop a line explaining your perspective and use the forums to make suggestions. The whinnying does not help.. at least take UN's lead and make it fun to read 👀

- I have been here for a few months now, you talk about the sadmins and all this other bullshit and you lot ain't happy bla bla bla.. the player base is becoming toxic 😐. Seems to me some older players aint happy because now they can not just chill as there is some competition.

- Dog..my last point is directed to you. STFU. Thanks 😁

P.S - I have made a note of the relevant grievances and will reflect on those.


So this post is kinda all over the place and half a response to someone else but I will try to respond to the relevant parts I guess...

Some of the recent updates I guess we will call them, even though it's been over a month now, were good and long overdue. Game activity picked up, ppl spent some money, I'm sure sadmins were happy or they should have been. However, that has been par for the course here for years. We get a bunch of updates once or twice a year and they make it seem like it's a big deal and major production and then traditionally disappear for months on end afterwards 🤣 🤣 🤣

The game requires work and updates and adjustments and fixing stuff constantly. It always will. If it doesn't receive that then it falls into a state of neglect and ppl notice right away. Just the nature of how stuff like this works. If you were an end user who logged in your favorite socialist media every day and half the links were broken and all your favorite pictures of cats didn't display properly, then you would be upset about it or at least millions of others who use the website would be. If that website was troublesome to use and required lots of extra time compared to another one, then users would move on to a better site. If it lagged terribly, same thing. I could give more examples of this but I think everyone gets the point.

Doing the bare minimum is pretty much what we've always had and even with extra time and work put in, it doesn't really show much of an improvement because the stuff was already so far behind to begin with. Some of the updates were good and overdue like I said. But as far as being perfect, it's far from that. We still have no character accts that were supposed to be a key feature of the recent prestiges. And that's okay because it would be better if they were developed further and not half assed. However, the new prestiges leave a lot to be desired and require a better gym to achieve. (you even agreed on the training and gym part DA when we talked about that before with your testing acct) On top of major things like those, there is probably 50 or so small things that could stand UI improvements around here. Should I make a list of them and post in suggestion forums?? That seemed to work okay for a few weeks until the novelty wore off. Also, getting to that and the toxic community here. You have sadmin perms. When you see ppl trolling forum posts with nothing intelligent to add or detracting from the conversation while others try to use the forums to make the game better, go and delet their shit. If they keep posting then comm ban them. Is simple really. Give me perms and Uncle Dogbert will beat them with his belt every time they get out of line 🤣 🤣

As far as housing goes, I posted my thoughts above and I also posted them in another forum thread too. How bout waiting til the houses are released until adding experimental items that may be way overpowered in the future?? In fact, the last time houses got all botched up, they were corrected. However that was mid event and ppl were already training and leveling and burning their points and stuff. So that wasn't really an ideal solution either. I can see where ppl have valid concerns about this especially given the track record here. On more than one occasion houses have been added mid event which is incredibly annoying to deal with as a player trying to build an acct. I look forward to the housing schedule and updates like I said in my other post. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be better thought out or require more work. Glancing over the game world stats page which is conveniently hidden from player view is not quite enough to plan a year's worth of houses out ahead of time.

My last point is directed at you DA. You've done a good job here in your time so far. Better than stuff has been handled in years. The tickets getting sorted and stuff actually getting taken care of in a timely manner and getting responses instead of ignored for weeks/months by sadmins is nice. I don't think anyone is doubting those facts or trying to dispute your efforts here. However, it's still a work in progress. It is far from perfect and still is going to require effort and upkeep. Taking that out on the players is not gonna generate the outcome that team sadmin has been working towards. Also, don't ever tell me to STFU because that's how you wind up with even more to read 😝
18 Jan 2024, 7:57:13 pm
Post: 115/148
i mean cum on luk at me leading arena is for a purpose deez is not competition i did work for 20 minute and pass every 1 to prove point LHH come with better ideas is simple really we done have to fed u every thing for u to relaid to sadmins for they to code do sum thinking uself and work urself STUPID
18 Jan 2024, 8:27:21 pm
Post: 8/21
There is some toxicity 👀
20 Jan 2024, 1:18:44 am
Post: 116/148
can i get me achievemnt plzzzz