21 Oct 2024, 12:01:03 am
Post: 224/228
It is with mixed emotions that I announce my retirement from the game. I returned here when I learned the passing of one of DDD's leaders, a man whom we all called friend. Their separation from this life reminded me of a better time when he & my we would play the game together and have a great time with the community.

Since coming back, I've reconnected with many decent and wonderful people, and I've even gotten to help some of you with support issues, or fighting for causes you all deemed important to you. It has been fun.

Since running my game long ago, I learned that a game needs enemies in order for the waters of the game to not go stagnant. I can appreciate the delicacy that is the evil side of a player. What I cannot appreciate is a person who told a suicidal person to have better luck on the second attempt. I cannot appreciate that same person offering to shove steel wool up a tail pipe to tell that same friend to drift off into the night. What Shoresy said was out of line, and I do not condone it. However, I have known of him to get like this once in my 17 years of knowing him. Since coming back, I've seen Bert regularly destroy what little community remains here, and it is little wonder Brady finally snapped.

This isn't an airport, and I don't need to announce my arrivals and departures. However, I wanted there to be no delusions on why I am stepping away from this game. To those who are also threatening to leave the game, I hope you do. One player is not worth losing the whole playerbase. Yet, I see it in the not so distant future.

My final day here will be October 31st at Update when I hand out the awards to the Contest Winners. If you want to get at me before I gtfo for anything, this is the time.

I wanted to thank MJ for developing a wonderful game, it is an incredible effort to make something function as well as he does, and he deserves more than what he gets.

To my friends here, thank you for being yourselves, the world needs more of 'em like you.


Darkwing Duck


21 Oct 2024, 12:03:05 am
Post: 2/2
21 Oct 2024, 12:03:22 am
Post: 148/150
can i have all u stuff plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
21 Oct 2024, 12:22:48 am
Post: 448/452
I want to let the record show here that the ducks are the ones who started in on me and my gang first. They got the same response as sneaky or petey or anyone else has in the past. Nobody gets a pass to say inappropriate comments to me first and not get my response after. I don't care if they are mentally unstable, retarded IRL, suicidal, elderly, otherwise impaired etc etc. If you want to hang with the big dogs and walk your ass around the block, then you can get the smoke. Is simple really.

That being said, I hope brady gets the help he needs IRL. We spoke our words after that night in global chat and thought we had a mutual understanding once things cooled down a bit. Things get said out of anger and the heat of the moment. Pretty sure both myself and brady understood that at the time.

What I don't understand is how any of this is your place to post about publicly or how it relates to the game at all. Seems like you are trying to white knight for someone who isn't even on the same page or concerned about it. It seemed that way the night of and it still seems that way now.

It actually seems more like you have an axe to grind here for whatever reason and it seems less about the actual issue at hand with brady. For the record, I don't care if you like me or if you can't separate other people's convos or stuff said in your presence from what should actually concern you. It just means you have failed as staff here and failed the players. No skin off our backs. Your resignation is welcomed and a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

If you were my employee, I would have let you go as soon as you were no longer capable of keeping your personal affairs in check. Maybe you should also seek some help IRL too? I'm not here to judge but if you call me out, you will get my response as mentioned above.
21 Oct 2024, 12:31:07 am
Post: 225/228
If I am to be accused of being poor staff, I will at least earn the right to be accused so. Thanks for the inspiration lil guy!

21 Oct 2024, 12:59:38 am
Post: 8/8
😥 Darkwing Duck, you will be missed.
25 Oct 2024, 2:54:54 am
Post: 11/11
Take care and be safe out there dark wing. Might be the last time im able to address you, which is saying something because youre one of the first people i met in these mafia games. We didnt talk all that much, but i enjoyed seeing you as a member of the communities we were in together. Good luck and god speed. *salute*