30 Jul 2024, 4:58:06 pm
Post: 214/240
Hello All,

August 1st

New House Released: Rustic Ranch

 • Money Cost: $60 billion
 • Point Cost: 1.75 million
 • Alternative Cost: 400,000 housing shards
 • Minimum Level: 1,600
 • Minimum Prestige: 4

August 2nd - August 11th

Game Board Enhancements

 • Adding housing shards as rewards through the star progression bar.
 • Combined some existing prizes instead of removing them for the housing shards.

August 9th - August 25th

Training and EXP Bonuses
Bonuses will depend on the completion of the game board:

 • Global Contribution: For every 2000 stars earned globally, players receive a 5% bonus (Max 50%).
 • Gang Contribution: For every 500 stars earned by your gang, players receive a 2.5% bonus (Max 25%).
 • Personal Contribution: For every 200 stars earned personally, players receive a 1% bonus (Max 10%).

If all contributions are maxed, players can earn up to 106.25% bonus for training and EXP events.

New Daily Release: Housing Hoard

 • A daily event that functions like a daily run gbox.
 • Rewards: 10,000 housing shards, split between contestants.



30 Jul 2024, 6:02:54 pm
Post: 263/265
Will double mission tokens be added to the game board?
2 Aug 2024, 2:01:18 pm
Post: 405/452
2 things...

1.) New Daily Release: Housing Hoard - can we get that added to dailies page so we don't have to go looking for it every day?

2.) • Global Contribution: For every 2000 stars earned globally, players receive a 5% bonus (Max 50%).
 • Gang Contribution: For every 500 stars earned by your gang, players receive a 2.5% bonus (Max 25%).
 • Personal Contribution: For every 200 stars earned personally, players receive a 1% bonus (Max 10%).

^ can we get a tracker on city page for that like there is for the ops event pyramid scheme?

14 Aug 2024, 2:01:32 am
Post: 21/21
[DDD] Shoresy  prestige wrote
Will double mission tokens be added to the game board?

it will better then house bombs..does anyone use house bombs?