It's probably time for these to be adjusted a bit to match current game play right??
Originally they were probably only used for missions here and there when running low on time or were intentionally kept low so people couldn't level like crazy early on. But now with operations added, people are short thousands of busts and the unbalance between the sets of Ops will easily stall out teaming up to complete them. Just in current standing and not even for future Ops that will most likely be added at some point which will only make the gap worse. Plus Exp needed to level has increased quite a bit since the first week or whenever bots were added when levels were still low.
Possible solutions include:
- keeping them the same quantity as now but sizably reducing AP costs by 3x, 5x, etc to make larger numbers of bots available to people with modest activity
- keeping AP costs the same but increasing number of bots 3x, 5x, 10x etc. This is kinda the same as above but favors activity a bit more and less favor to those who go for broke
- having bots count 3x or 5x, etc towards mission and operation objectives. This would probably be fine now as exp is tougher to come by and they already don't count toward OTH, OTD and BB
- having bots count the same as a real bust across all aspects of play while also reducing cost of AP slightly but not as drastically reduced as above
- your ideas below...
It's probably time for these to be adjusted a bit to match current game play right??
Originally they were probably only used for missions here and there when running low on time or were intentionally kept low so people couldn't level like crazy early on. But now with operations added, people are short thousands of busts and the unbalance between the sets of Ops will easily stall out teaming up to complete them. Just in current standing and not even for future Ops that will most likely be added at some point which will only make the gap worse. Plus Exp needed to level has increased quite a bit since the first week or whenever bots were added when levels were still low.
Possible solutions include:
- keeping them the same quantity as now but sizably reducing AP costs by 3x, 5x, etc to make larger numbers of bots available to people with modest activity
- keeping AP costs the same but increasing number of bots 3x, 5x, 10x etc. This is kinda the same as above but favors activity a bit more and less favor to those who go for broke
- having bots count 3x or 5x, etc towards mission and operation objectives. This would probably be fine now as exp is tougher to come by and they already don't count toward OTH, OTD and BB
- having bots count the same as a real bust across all aspects of play while also reducing cost of AP slightly but not as drastically reduced as above
- your ideas below...

Agreed that something should be done, i like all the ideas. Would make it easier to do operations and missions because right now the bust portion is rough

Maybe also increase the amount of inactive players doing 'naughty things'

Keeping AP cost and bots count the same but count as x3 and x5 on mission/obj is my fav option

i also love this idea, i'd go for the less AP costs though but that's just me

So, busts are still ridiculous and all of the above still applies. Even after adding more crime ops 😛
However, a little minuscule amount of extra hope could be gained if jail key busts and bribes count toward normal busts as well.
While you are busting for hours on end to complete ops, you do rack up dozens of jail key busts or bribes to get yourself out.
Having those count in addition to overhauling bots would just be streamlined and smooth 👍 👍 👍
However, a little minuscule amount of extra hope could be gained if jail key busts and bribes count toward normal busts as well.
While you are busting for hours on end to complete ops, you do rack up dozens of jail key busts or bribes to get yourself out.
Having those count in addition to overhauling bots would just be streamlined and smooth 👍 👍 👍