20 Nov 2021, 9:52:57 am
Post: 106/262
just bring it back already lol part of this dumb game is socializing right? so what if people complain in there all the time, let them complain cuz it makes things interesting to read


0 1 2 3
20 Nov 2021, 8:52:12 pm
Post: 114/262
see a chat is useful so that if someone needs busting, they can announce it instead of hopes and prayers that someone is online to bust them lol this shit isn't rockey science
20 Nov 2021, 9:07:19 pm
Post: 94/397
It kinda is Rocky science tho

You just msg someone and be like "yo adrian I need some busts"
20 Nov 2021, 9:22:02 pm
Post: 52/54
[DDDShoresy  prestige wrote
but that's not the point lol shit talking in the chat is part of the game regardless of who's being targeted lol it makes shit more interesting
I'm going to revise what I said because I wrote the original in a grumpy mood.

No one should be silenced for saying whatever, even if what they are doing is dick measuring (and it's annoying as fuck) they shouldn't be silenced.

Having said that, if I were in the admin's shoes, I wouldn't disable the chat nor would I say anything because again, no one's going to believe me any way.

If someone is being emotionally/physically harmed, that's when it becomes not okay. Since no one is apparently one or both I guess have fun getting on each other's nerves.
20 Nov 2021, 9:26:15 pm
Post: 115/262
[LODogbert  prestige wrote
It kinda is Rocky science tho

You just msg someone and be like "yo adrian I need some busts"

god damn sausage fingers i have :(

20 Nov 2021, 9:32:49 pm
Post: 10/29
bring it back so the whiners can whine in it
20 Nov 2021, 10:10:33 pm
Post: 116/262
[FUS L i C K  prestige wrote
bring it back so the whiners can whine in it

20 Nov 2021, 10:24:43 pm
Post: 95/397
on a serious note, there isn't a solution I can think of that ticks all the boxes as far as chat goes but at least some efforts can be made to rectify it

admins shouldn't have to stay silent about allegations that are completely untrue and if players don't believe them and continue to keep bringing it up again and again in chat to attack the game or discredit the admins then they should be punished with a communication ban

at that point it isn't silencing them for no reason. There is a valid reason and chat spamming and libel or slander towards the game is against TOS. Simple as that

I had suggested jokingly before that there should be a level or acct age requirement to post in global along with it costing in game cash like has been done on many other games. This should definitely be added here for several reasons though. One because it eliminates having to have a FM online at all times for the spam accts posting racial slurs etc in global like we saw recently and also because it might be a deterrent to posting chat spam on a normal basis if it costs money each post. Lastly because it removes cash from the game which is always good too as well as requires people to be logged in to post in chat or risk getting their cash mugged if not.
23 Nov 2021, 2:57:50 am
Post: 117/262
well i just watched the new ghostbusters movie and yeah i can'T announce that i did cuz there's no chat lol

how else will people know that i'm high too?