I have brought to attention of admins that CP rewards are not scaling out proportionately to the increasing difficulty of the operations included in it.
An example:
Hold the Sydney throne for 71 minutes.
Reward: 3 train packs
Other rewards that need reviewing:
Scatter bombs, especially if we consider that this is nearly the only source where they come from.
An example of dumb goals:
Play 214 rounds of Hi/Low. 0 / 214
WTF? what is the logic of stalling a player 3 days on a silly game of hi/lo?
I have brought to attention of admins that CP rewards are not scaling out proportionately to the increasing difficulty of the operations included in it.
An example:
Hold the Sydney throne for 71 minutes.
Reward: 3 train packs
Other rewards that need reviewing:
Scatter bombs, especially if we consider that this is nearly the only source where they come from.
An example of dumb goals:
Play 214 rounds of Hi/Low. 0 / 214
WTF? what is the logic of stalling a player 3 days on a silly game of hi/lo?

be nice if the prezzies included mug n kill masters, too....

I would be surprised if they care tbh. Especially because mob pass seems to have been rushed out for the entire year already instead of freshly made to order each month like that old timey quality we all know and love.
While we are on the topic tho, I will bring this up again... One thing that may actually be able to be fixed without disrupting too much would be that some of the the mob pass ops sets don't payout the one needed to complete the next level at the end of each block. For instance Obj 95 could be complete 50 mug ops and the block before it used to give you the 100 mug op set. This got botched up now and a few of them gave a bust or crime set when mugs were needed. This leads to ppl being stuck on that obj if they don't have another source of 50+ ops. It could take days for the daily ones to populate or another month for the monthlies as we have seen in the past when the daily ones fail to continue their cycle of life. Or you straight up get beat if it's the exp or train ones that get reversed and you don't have any of them lol.
On the off chance that they do adjust current payouts or future payouts next year, we could do with a lot less drugs and jail keys or anything that you can buy for in game cash. There is even an excessive number of house bombs and scatter bombs and dumb shit like that which is kinda useless. If you have done every season of mob pass, then you have amassed 1k or more of these items. Even crime masters could be scaled back a bit and other items boosted in quantity.
I understand that mob pass kinda functions as a tutorial for noobs to discover game features and is a catchall of items and useless crap in it's current state, but it would be nice if it is going to continue on as a staple of the game for it to maybe evolve a bit as well. For instance if there was a base mob pass that cost 500 creds and it was the variety pack like it is now but with slightly lower and adjusted payouts. Then for 1k creds release a mob pass that only pays out points, cash and AP and nothing else. Then for 1k creds have the option of one that only pays out items and nothing else. Or something along those lines. The op sets can stay obv but I mean for general payout purposes. Then each month you could pick 1 of the 3 options to do and only 1 so it doesn't get too overwhelming and ppl don't complain about it being too P2W. I think that would be a way to work in some of the better and more valuable items now without the standard mob pass being too OP. Just my 2 cents tho
While we are on the topic tho, I will bring this up again... One thing that may actually be able to be fixed without disrupting too much would be that some of the the mob pass ops sets don't payout the one needed to complete the next level at the end of each block. For instance Obj 95 could be complete 50 mug ops and the block before it used to give you the 100 mug op set. This got botched up now and a few of them gave a bust or crime set when mugs were needed. This leads to ppl being stuck on that obj if they don't have another source of 50+ ops. It could take days for the daily ones to populate or another month for the monthlies as we have seen in the past when the daily ones fail to continue their cycle of life. Or you straight up get beat if it's the exp or train ones that get reversed and you don't have any of them lol.
On the off chance that they do adjust current payouts or future payouts next year, we could do with a lot less drugs and jail keys or anything that you can buy for in game cash. There is even an excessive number of house bombs and scatter bombs and dumb shit like that which is kinda useless. If you have done every season of mob pass, then you have amassed 1k or more of these items. Even crime masters could be scaled back a bit and other items boosted in quantity.
I understand that mob pass kinda functions as a tutorial for noobs to discover game features and is a catchall of items and useless crap in it's current state, but it would be nice if it is going to continue on as a staple of the game for it to maybe evolve a bit as well. For instance if there was a base mob pass that cost 500 creds and it was the variety pack like it is now but with slightly lower and adjusted payouts. Then for 1k creds release a mob pass that only pays out points, cash and AP and nothing else. Then for 1k creds have the option of one that only pays out items and nothing else. Or something along those lines. The op sets can stay obv but I mean for general payout purposes. Then each month you could pick 1 of the 3 options to do and only 1 so it doesn't get too overwhelming and ppl don't complain about it being too P2W. I think that would be a way to work in some of the better and more valuable items now without the standard mob pass being too OP. Just my 2 cents tho