8 May 2021, 6:13:12 pm
Post: 2/3
I dont know if this has been brought up but just simple option to add a player to your friends or enemy list.


0 1
8 Jul 2021, 3:59:44 pm
Post: 11/31
Lol I would prefer free but hey lol give them more incentive to actually make it
11 Jul 2021, 2:41:49 am
Post: 74/262
12 Jul 2021, 1:52:21 pm
Post: 13/31
Hahaha of course but let’s see when this actually gets added πŸ€”
18 Jul 2021, 11:18:44 am
Post: 90/262
1 Aug 2021, 1:26:24 pm
Post: 29/31
[DDDShoresy  prestige wrote
[DEANegan wrote
Could even be something that you don't get unless you have used at least 1 rm pack or maybe something you can unlock

of course moldy voldy would suggest something so sinister!
lol of course

Wingardium Leviosa(Bump)