3 Sep 2022, 11:57:47 am
Post: 143/240
Hello Criminals,

We are starting a collection event, and we will be running them the first Sunday to the second Sunday every month.
What you'll need to do to start collecting, is missions! Every mission you complete you will earn collection tokens (CT), and every hour a new category of missions will be selected (either activity, points or experience) as a double collection tokens hour, so doing that type of mission will earn you double the CT. All of that will be indicated on the missions page.

On top of earning CT, all rewards for missions (objective and final rewards) will be doubled for the whole week.

From the missions page, you can view your current number of CT as well as link to spending your CT. You can purchase points, items and even access to CT exclusive cities.

Sorry for the short post, if something didn't make sense, you can ask anything here. I should be back on before it launches in about 12 hours.

The Criminal Warfare Team.


3 Sep 2022, 2:46:50 pm
Post: 123/265
how about changing one of any city name to a Canadian city? specifically Ottawa? lol any Canadian city is fine though
3 Sep 2022, 10:06:06 pm
Post: 148/452
How bout we scrap this idea because nobody does missions and make something useful like an activity event that gives AP bonuses?? 👀

AP is something that everyone currently needs regardless of acct age, level, stats, or progression in the game. In fact cash and points are kind of still over abundant now and the main cause being people can't use them up enough from lack of AP during events. It would also boost activity on the game which is a win/win.

Missions have never really been good and no way to make them good without making them too OP. And even then, they would still be a chore to do, and ppl would only do them because they are being forced to for better payouts or some type of reward. They are old and outdated, time consuming, slow, and annoying with cooldowns, still shitty even without cooldowns and burning mission resets, and that's why nobody does them. Especially in place of ops. They just aren't designed for the future. Clinging to them for nostalgia is not a viable reason.

I mean ppl already know my stance on missions and being forced to do them, (which should never even be a thing to begin with, like criminal pass objectives that force old missions ) but this bears repeating because it also effects the rest of the game now or might in a few hours. There are entire weeks of arena where the top 5 category has mission counts in single digits 🤣 🤣

That should tell all everyone needs to know without coming out and saying it so bluntly. But sometimes someone has to speak up.

Another possible idea is to add single objective missions like we said eons ago. One mission for each obj on their own. (crimes, busts, mugs, kills individually) As long as they didn't have stupid drawbacks or were nerfed compared to the 4 obj missions, they might be alright. Still, my point remains above tho. I doubt any noticeable percentage of the game would do them willingly. They would be more so to use this new feature or to make criminal pass slightly less intolerable on the forced mission levels.
4 Sep 2022, 2:24:41 pm
Post: 56/185
if u dun like a cp objective...pay to skip it... no one is forcing anyone to do missions... we do cp bc it's fun to tagteam the objectives...and gives us something to clicky...
new missions would be awesome...but maybe make that a token thing,too....where we can unlock some new missions
4 Sep 2022, 2:29:18 pm
Post: 23/67
Not to mention that missions go very well along with gang missions. So we do missions and they just got more interesting now. cheers for that!
4 Sep 2022, 8:51:58 pm
Post: 149/452
[FUBugaboo prestige wrote
if u dun like a cp objective...pay to skip it... no one is forcing anyone to do missions... we do cp bc it's fun to tagteam the objectives...and gives us something to clicky...
new missions would be awesome...but maybe make that a token thing,too....where we can unlock some new missions

I do pay to skip them and always have 🤣

New missions should be added to entice more than 5 people into actually using this feature or doing them. They shouldn't be something to unlock. Because when game owners do stuff like that, people already don't want to do them in the first place, so for the vast majority it never gets done. (See example: weapon prestige on MV 👀)

You're missing the point though. Not everyone has the option to skip for one. Some people have a tough time coming up with creds to begin with and struggle to spend even the minimum amount. Then if those people don't happen to like doing missions, or can't afford multiple levels of skips, they no longer have a choice. It's either do them or not continue with criminal pass.

The part about forcing ppl to do them is bad enough on it's own. Certain individuals would argue that forcing ppl to spend RL cash to skip them is even worse 🤣 🤣

The fundamentals of mob pass isn't the real issue here tho. The problem is with an event like this targeting a very small group of people who still do missions. And if you choose to not look at it that way (like some will) then it goes back to the other issue of intentionally making a game feature that forces ppl to do them for special rewards or to stay competitive. Those reasons are why this is a major problem.

If this was something that only rewarded the option to buy dealer points on a small scale and maybe another achievement or missions counting 2x toward mission achievement, then it wouldn't be an issue. People could either choose to do them or not and it wouldn't really matter or effect the game at all. However, that's not the case. You make the option to payout donator items and special cities then it's no longer fair to the rest of the game. It gets back to being forced to do them again for specific rewards. Hence it being a problem