7 Dec 2023, 7:10:10 pm
Post: 64/104

First thing you should do is read this thread Character Account.

We would like to hear some of your ideas.

What would you like the Character Accounts to do, what perks should it give to your main, and what should the second account have access to.

Are there any new features you would like to see paired with it?

Please post your ideas below, keep them as brief as possible and avoid essays because who has time for that. Bullet points are also fine.

*Ideas that are incorporated will see their owners receive a reward, from us, as a thank you for their participation and suggestion. Even if the suggestion is only partially used, ect.*

*All who contribute will get something.*




0 1 2
16 Dec 2023, 6:36:48 pm
Post: 173/185
ty for the bigger crimes...

another thunk for prestige tho....

can we get double monthly ops? bc the monthly ones r always the better clicks
or the ability to reset x amt of the monthly ops... tyia
16 Dec 2023, 6:37:28 pm
Post: 174/185
also....will there be an outline of the new prestige perks soon?
16 Dec 2023, 7:55:38 pm
Post: 343/452
you can see the new prestige perks when you get ready to prestige 👀 👀