6 Oct 2024, 10:31:19 pm
Post: 230/234
Hello all, here are a few voting options to make changes to the drugs in the game (Alcohol, Steroids and Cocaine).

You can vote for each of these right away, but the ending times have been staggered to give everyone a chance to change their vote depending on the previous vote.

This vote will run until 9th October 12AM. (67% vote needed to win, if not the least voted option will be deleted and extended to 10th of October)

Change Cost of Drugs

This vote will run until 11th October 12AM. (75% vote needed to win, if not the least voted option will be deleted and extended to 12th of October.. then 67% vote needed, etc..)

Allow Stacking?

This vote will run until 13th October 12AM. (75% vote needed to win, if not the least voted option will be deleted and extended to 14th of October.. then 67% vote needed, etc..)

Change Effectiveness?


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 Oct 2024, 10:43:32 pm
Post: 140/147
may bee we can re visit the pro tect one agen than LHH
7 Oct 2024, 1:12:05 am
Post: 434/447
who came up with these poll options? 🤣 🤣 🤣

all we need is stacking drugs for 24 hours or so to not have to click them constantly throughout the day. Is simple really.

price is meh because game is flooded with them as is and flooded with cash anyway

the last option is just nuts and isn't even logically based as it reads currently and also requires stacking drugs. For 3x effectiveness it will cost you 9x drugs? How are ppl even voting for that with the cost increase one too?? 🤣🤣 🤣

plus the 75% boost is already way too OP with the crate forging weapons and max gear at 562% now in case anyone forgot about that lol

the root of this problem goes back to when sadmins didn't listen to us the first time on drugs

the 75% drugs were supposed to be the ones bought with AP and the cash drugs were supposed to be the 25% ones we had then. Instead it was hastily made to buff all drugs to 75% and cash sale and has now turned into a problem with gear and training and other game changes
7 Oct 2024, 1:24:22 am
Post: 2/2
all I need is stacking drugs for 24 hours or so to not have to click them constantly throughout the day. Is simple really.

fixed it for you.
7 Oct 2024, 1:42:57 am
Post: 435/447
[FU] Mini Super  prestige wrote
all I need is stacking drugs for 24 hours or so to not have to click them constantly throughout the day. Is simple really.

fixed it for you.

I see you're still stuck on the whole only able to read one sentence thing 🤣 🤣

but yeah, that should definitely be a poll option was the point so you at least got that part right

actually it should just be added to the game without a vote because you don't have to use the feature if you don't want to 👍

the thing that should have been voted on was 25% vs 75% drugs

actually those should have just been added to the game correctly years ago also when it was talked about and buffed instead of what I explained above

and now we wouldn't have a messed up vote that nobody chose the options for and no need for it in the first place and the game wouldn't be flooded with tons of overpowered drugs along with the new gear

is simple really
10 Oct 2024, 9:09:12 pm
Post: 436/447
So, where do we start here.... Let's start with the title of this thread being: "The peoples choices" just in case it gets delet or edited. This is kinda laughable to start with because none of us got any choices at all in what the options were. The poster/admin team just randomly came up with them with no rhyme or reason. Which, we can let that slide I guess seeing as at least we kinda get the option to talk amongst ourselves and gang mates and friends and make the best choices as a group after. Well, unfortunately that all ended today when the game admin actually tampered with the vote and removed them. I will post the proof of this below in screenshots because I didn't actually believe it myself. Note the timestamps and missing votes that didn't reallocate to another choice but instead disappeared into thin air. When the astonishment of this set in, it was naturally assumed to be a bug or error. So a ticket was submitted. The official sadmin response was that it is in fact not a bug or error but that new player's opinions don't actually matter and should not count for "The peoples choices" vote here 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Note the timestamps on these ss and the disappearing vote that never comes back...

and then after....

10 Oct 2024, 9:18:02 pm
Post: 17/21
probably because those "new people" only joined the game to influence the votes with no intentions to stick around.

maybe next time make it so they dont use your referral link 😂
10 Oct 2024, 9:24:26 pm
Post: 2/7
probably because those "new people" only joined the game to influence the votes with no intentions to stick around.

maybe next time make it so they dont use your referral link 😂

that has nothing to do with it and you have no idea who plans to stick around and play or not

my refs actually request my link and use it as a favor and I never try to force it to anyone

that's what friends do is help each other like that on games

but lets not detract from the facts here

new players and refs have showed up at the most suspicious times in game history here and nobody has ever questioned it before now. Not only that but the game admins never changed and manipulated the game or voting or stuff until today. Even with other votes and new players voting in the past

this is null and void now as far as I'm concerned

I would hope the rest of the game will feel the same way whether they express it publicly or not

at the end of the day, even the people with their head buried in the sand the worst (not naming names ofc) can tell when something is bullshit and being deliberately made to screw over the players or "the people" here
10 Oct 2024, 9:35:10 pm
Post: 231/234
Attention Players:

I want to address something important, and this will be the only time I speak on it. Recently, it has come to light that a player, has been manipulating polls by bringing in people from outside the game to vote. These individuals do not actively play and are only participating because of threats or incentives given in other games. And I have no doubt that active players in this community have been threatened as well.

This behavior undermines the integrity of the polls, which are meant to reflect the opinions of active players, not a few individuals pulling strings behind the scenes. As such, I want to be clear: votes cast by these outside participants will not be considered valid moving forward. The polls are for those who actually play and engage with the game, not for a referral contest or a tool for manipulation.

This is not up for debate, and I won’t be engaging in arguments about it. It is what it is, and it’s up to each of you to take it however you see fit. Let's keep this game a fair and enjoyable space for the real community.

Thank you for your understanding.