17 Jun 2021, 11:49:54 pm
Post: 76/228
At last, the great SPAM FEST of 2021 is at an end! These are our winners!

1st - Howard [KI] Howard  prestige - Gets to name the new weapon, and will receive a complimentary copy of it.
2nd - Gizmo Duck [User]296[/user] Gets to name the new shoes, and will receive a complimentary copy of them.
3rd - Mickey Mickey Gets to name the new armor, and will receive a complimentary copy of it.
4th - Notyobizwack [FU] CH#2  prestige Receives a baby inspired banner!
5th - Bugaboo [FU] Bugaboo  prestige - Will get a personalized rap sung by yours truly, and uploaded here for my own deprecation.

Congrats to all the winners, and to all those who played but didn't win, maybe next time will be your lucky ducky! 👀


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21 Jun 2021, 12:06:32 am
Post: 84/228
The winner's items have all been sent out to their respective inventories!