We are rolling right into the next CW Event: Team Wars! I will post this in bullets, cuz there's a lot of word vomit.
What is happening?
*Friday 23rd @ Update we will be commencing a Domination War! - Details on this war type can be found here.
*Saturday 24th at Update we will be ending the Domination War, and starting a "Traditional" war. Traditional wars are get a kill, get a point for your team.
*Sunday 25th @ Update we will end the wars, and Team Captains will determine who on their team was the Most Active (For Domination) and Most Kills (For Traditional)
*Monday 26th - All gangs will have their votes in, and the gangs will be disbanded. Any team not providing votes on MVP will be chosen utilizing random.org
*Want in? Message your stats to Darkwing Duck (That's me!)
*I will collect all entries (READ: I'm not competing, and won't share them), and you have until Thursday the 22nd's update to get me your stats - To clear up confusion that means: It is Wednesday night, you have a tea, update happens and the day becomes "THURSDAY" in Game, you have until that happens to get me your stats. I don't mean to be a dick with cutoffs, but balancing teams is not a quick task, so last minute entries can jack up that process. As such, I'll be compiling all teams on Thursday, and Admins will move you to your respective gang.
*Each gang should elect a Captain and Co-Captain to call out objetives. But you guys have full creative license on this. I won't say that having your own team discord is a bad idea. But at the end of the day, all you need to do is tell me WHO THEY ARE, as they will be the ones telling me who wins your MVPs.
Most Valuable Player - Active: +25% trains on the next 200 trains
Most Valuable Player - Kills: +25% trains on the next 200 trains
Players who earn at least 1 activity point in the Domination Round: 250 Points
Players who earn at least 1 kill in the Traditional Round: 250 Points
Bragging Rights: Infinite
Get your names in, this is going to happen fast, and you don't want to miss out.
What is happening?
*Friday 23rd @ Update we will be commencing a Domination War! - Details on this war type can be found here.
*Saturday 24th at Update we will be ending the Domination War, and starting a "Traditional" war. Traditional wars are get a kill, get a point for your team.
*Sunday 25th @ Update we will end the wars, and Team Captains will determine who on their team was the Most Active (For Domination) and Most Kills (For Traditional)
*Monday 26th - All gangs will have their votes in, and the gangs will be disbanded. Any team not providing votes on MVP will be chosen utilizing random.org
*Want in? Message your stats to Darkwing Duck (That's me!)
*I will collect all entries (READ: I'm not competing, and won't share them), and you have until Thursday the 22nd's update to get me your stats - To clear up confusion that means: It is Wednesday night, you have a tea, update happens and the day becomes "THURSDAY" in Game, you have until that happens to get me your stats. I don't mean to be a dick with cutoffs, but balancing teams is not a quick task, so last minute entries can jack up that process. As such, I'll be compiling all teams on Thursday, and Admins will move you to your respective gang.
*Each gang should elect a Captain and Co-Captain to call out objetives. But you guys have full creative license on this. I won't say that having your own team discord is a bad idea. But at the end of the day, all you need to do is tell me WHO THEY ARE, as they will be the ones telling me who wins your MVPs.
Most Valuable Player - Active: +25% trains on the next 200 trains
Most Valuable Player - Kills: +25% trains on the next 200 trains
Players who earn at least 1 activity point in the Domination Round: 250 Points
Players who earn at least 1 kill in the Traditional Round: 250 Points
Bragging Rights: Infinite
Get your names in, this is going to happen fast, and you don't want to miss out.

Points of clarification:
I understand some things of this aren't coming off clearly. Let me address stuff that I've gotten questions on.
"Who makes the teams?" I do, as i will not be participating, based off factors like stats, levels, perceived activity levels.
"Will we stay in our home gangs?" No, you will be placed in, a temporary gang. For example "Red Team" or "Blue Team". After the war is over you go to your normal home.
"How do we score points?" In Domination you just need to travel to war cities, and stay there. The longer you stay in that city, the more points you get for your team. But beware! If the rival team enters the city, point accumulation stops, until only 1 gang is there.
If you get killed while in a war city, you go back to Sydney where you earn no points.
It is important to remember to monitor what city you are in. If both teams are in the same city, it becomes a contested territory where nobody earns points until only one gang is in the city. So kill all the enemies that are there to send them back to Sydney, or move to a city where none of the enemy gang is currently located. (Remember, just 3 cities will earn you points) You need to be in a city for at least 10 seconds to earn points.
Dominating 1 city with 3 members = 3 points
Dominating 2 cities with 3 members spread between the 2 cities = 6 points
Dominating 3 cities with 3 members spread across the 3 cities = 9 points
In Normal Wars, you gain points by killing a person in the enemy gang.
"What are prizes?" If you make 1 kill, or get 1 point for your team minimum you will get an end of war reward - this means 250 points, and up to 500 points total for both wars. The winning team for Domination and Normal War will also earn a prize of 2,250 points for each war type victory they get.
The losing team will each receive 250 points each as a consolation prize.
Most Active - voted on by your team - also gets a bonus of +25% train amounts for the next 200 trains.
Most Kills - voted on by your team - also gets a bonus of +25% train amounts for the next 200 trains.
I understand some things of this aren't coming off clearly. Let me address stuff that I've gotten questions on.
"Who makes the teams?" I do, as i will not be participating, based off factors like stats, levels, perceived activity levels.
"Will we stay in our home gangs?" No, you will be placed in, a temporary gang. For example "Red Team" or "Blue Team". After the war is over you go to your normal home.
"How do we score points?" In Domination you just need to travel to war cities, and stay there. The longer you stay in that city, the more points you get for your team. But beware! If the rival team enters the city, point accumulation stops, until only 1 gang is there.
If you get killed while in a war city, you go back to Sydney where you earn no points.
It is important to remember to monitor what city you are in. If both teams are in the same city, it becomes a contested territory where nobody earns points until only one gang is in the city. So kill all the enemies that are there to send them back to Sydney, or move to a city where none of the enemy gang is currently located. (Remember, just 3 cities will earn you points) You need to be in a city for at least 10 seconds to earn points.
Dominating 1 city with 3 members = 3 points
Dominating 2 cities with 3 members spread between the 2 cities = 6 points
Dominating 3 cities with 3 members spread across the 3 cities = 9 points
In Normal Wars, you gain points by killing a person in the enemy gang.
"What are prizes?" If you make 1 kill, or get 1 point for your team minimum you will get an end of war reward - this means 250 points, and up to 500 points total for both wars. The winning team for Domination and Normal War will also earn a prize of 2,250 points for each war type victory they get.
The losing team will each receive 250 points each as a consolation prize.
Most Active - voted on by your team - also gets a bonus of +25% train amounts for the next 200 trains.
Most Kills - voted on by your team - also gets a bonus of +25% train amounts for the next 200 trains.

if you're a gang leader... orrrrr your whole gang joins the temp teams....what happens to your real gang?

they won't have a gang leader until you get back home

what if we allllll sign up? will we have a gang to go back tooooooo

Sure, current list is:

I haven't read any of this, and I have no idea how it works BUT I wanna sign up pleaseeee 😅 😈