Hello Criminals,
It's time for an anniversary event, and we are coming out with a slew of updates to start off the 3rd year of CW.
First off, we are releasing a prestiging system. To start, there is 5 prestige levels. There may be more in the future.
Level 1:
Requires 250 levels worth of EXP (~161 million exp) & 7 billion stats.
- 25% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to the new speedy crimes. (It will not be available to everyone anymore).
- Access to a new city for Prestige 1+ users.
- Access to a new house for Prestige 1+ users.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 1 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 1! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 2:
Requires 500 levels worth of EXP (~697 million exp) & 25 billion stats.
- 50% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to the new speedy mugs.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 2+ users.
- Access to a new house for Prestige 2+ users.
- Access to complete a 600 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 2 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 2! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 3:
Requires 900 levels worth of EXP (~3.3 billion exp) & 100 billion stats.
- 90% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to the new speedy trains.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 3+ users.
- Access to complete a 800 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 3 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 3! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 4:
Requires level 1,200 & 500 billion stats.
- 120% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 4+ users.
- Access to complete a 1,000 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 4 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 4! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 5:
Requires level 1,500 & 1.25 trillion stats.
- 150% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 5+ users.
- Access to complete a 1,200 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 5 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 5! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
[For the first 3 prestiges] When you prestige, we are only taking the experience away, so if you are level 1,000 and doing the first prestige, you will only go down a few levels, you will NOT start back at 1.
[For prestiges 4+] You will be reset to level 1 with 0 experience.
The way prestige bonuses will stack will be as such:
prestige 1: 25% exp bonus
prestige 2: 50% exp bonus
prestige 3: 90% exp bonus
prestige 4: 120% stat bonus
prestige 5: 150% stat bonus
bonus will add up, not multiply.
so total exp bonus = 1 + .25 + .5 + .9 = 2.65x
and total stat bonus = 1 + 1.2 + 1.5 = 3.7x
Coming along with the prestige system, we are re-doing the skill system entirely, scraping most of it as it didn't work all that great and was extremely difficult for us to maintain and expand upon.
- So now, all we are doing is taking skill points (gained by leveling) to upgrade your skills.
- We are removing objectives entirely.
- We are changing the max skill bonus from 20% to 40%.
- It's going to tie into the prestiging system a little.
- - Non-prestiged users will gain skill points until level 250
- - Prestige 1 users will gain skill points until level 500
- - Prestige 2 users will gain skill points until level 900
- - Prestige 3 users will gain skill points until level 1,200
- - Prestige 4 users will gain skill points until level 1,500
- - Prestige 5 users will gain skill points until level 1,800
- We have also introduced 8 more categories:
- - Bust Experience Bonus
- - Crime Experience Bonus
- - Mug Experience Bonus
- - Strength Training Bonus
- - Defense Training Bonus
- - Speed Training Bonus
- - Operation Payout Bonus
- - Mission Payout Bonus
For prestige 2 & 3, we are introducing speedy mugs/trains.
- Speedy mugs will require prestige 2 and will be available to mug users who are at least 3 days inactive. and will allow you to mug users at a rate of up to 50/second.
- - By default you will be limited to 20/second, however with a mug master, you can go up to 50/second.
- - also the mug master will auto bust you out of prison as well as count for 1.25 mugs (on average) for missions/operations.
- Speedy trains will be available for prestige 3+ and allow users to train at a rate of up to 50/second.
- - By default you will be limited to 20/second, however with a train master, you can go up to 50/second.
Speedy Crimes & Speedy Trains are now both available to add to your menus. (At least once you are allowed to view them).
We are also doubling the point packs on the upgrade store moving forward, they have already been heavily discounted in the daily bundles, we did base those off these new point packs, so they won't be further adjusted.
We 4x'd the point dealer.
We are also releasing a 1.5x training and experience event for the entirety of April.
Stay tuned for more changes coming this month!
It's time for an anniversary event, and we are coming out with a slew of updates to start off the 3rd year of CW.
First off, we are releasing a prestiging system. To start, there is 5 prestige levels. There may be more in the future.
Level 1:
Requires 250 levels worth of EXP (~161 million exp) & 7 billion stats.
- 25% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to the new speedy crimes. (It will not be available to everyone anymore).
- Access to a new city for Prestige 1+ users.
- Access to a new house for Prestige 1+ users.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 1 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 1! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 2:
Requires 500 levels worth of EXP (~697 million exp) & 25 billion stats.
- 50% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to the new speedy mugs.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 2+ users.
- Access to a new house for Prestige 2+ users.
- Access to complete a 600 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 2 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 2! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 3:
Requires 900 levels worth of EXP (~3.3 billion exp) & 100 billion stats.
- 90% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to the new speedy trains.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 3+ users.
- Access to complete a 800 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 3 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 3! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 4:
Requires level 1,200 & 500 billion stats.
- 120% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 4+ users.
- Access to complete a 1,000 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 4 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 4! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
Level 5:
Requires level 1,500 & 1.25 trillion stats.
- 150% boost to either EXP or Stats, user's choice.
- Access to a new city for Prestige 5+ users.
- Access to complete a 1,200 nerve crime.
- Access to 1,500 new operations. 1,000 ops will be available to purchase + 500 free ones you can claim.
- Access to a Prestige 5 bundle, a super discounted bundle to help recoup some of the costs needed to get to prestige 5! [It'll be a 1 time purchase]
[For the first 3 prestiges] When you prestige, we are only taking the experience away, so if you are level 1,000 and doing the first prestige, you will only go down a few levels, you will NOT start back at 1.
[For prestiges 4+] You will be reset to level 1 with 0 experience.
The way prestige bonuses will stack will be as such:
prestige 1: 25% exp bonus
prestige 2: 50% exp bonus
prestige 3: 90% exp bonus
prestige 4: 120% stat bonus
prestige 5: 150% stat bonus
bonus will add up, not multiply.
so total exp bonus = 1 + .25 + .5 + .9 = 2.65x
and total stat bonus = 1 + 1.2 + 1.5 = 3.7x
Coming along with the prestige system, we are re-doing the skill system entirely, scraping most of it as it didn't work all that great and was extremely difficult for us to maintain and expand upon.
- So now, all we are doing is taking skill points (gained by leveling) to upgrade your skills.
- We are removing objectives entirely.
- We are changing the max skill bonus from 20% to 40%.
- It's going to tie into the prestiging system a little.
- - Non-prestiged users will gain skill points until level 250
- - Prestige 1 users will gain skill points until level 500
- - Prestige 2 users will gain skill points until level 900
- - Prestige 3 users will gain skill points until level 1,200
- - Prestige 4 users will gain skill points until level 1,500
- - Prestige 5 users will gain skill points until level 1,800
- We have also introduced 8 more categories:
- - Bust Experience Bonus
- - Crime Experience Bonus
- - Mug Experience Bonus
- - Strength Training Bonus
- - Defense Training Bonus
- - Speed Training Bonus
- - Operation Payout Bonus
- - Mission Payout Bonus
For prestige 2 & 3, we are introducing speedy mugs/trains.
- Speedy mugs will require prestige 2 and will be available to mug users who are at least 3 days inactive. and will allow you to mug users at a rate of up to 50/second.
- - By default you will be limited to 20/second, however with a mug master, you can go up to 50/second.
- - also the mug master will auto bust you out of prison as well as count for 1.25 mugs (on average) for missions/operations.
- Speedy trains will be available for prestige 3+ and allow users to train at a rate of up to 50/second.
- - By default you will be limited to 20/second, however with a train master, you can go up to 50/second.
Speedy Crimes & Speedy Trains are now both available to add to your menus. (At least once you are allowed to view them).
We are also doubling the point packs on the upgrade store moving forward, they have already been heavily discounted in the daily bundles, we did base those off these new point packs, so they won't be further adjusted.
We 4x'd the point dealer.
We are also releasing a 1.5x training and experience event for the entirety of April.
Stay tuned for more changes coming this month!

You have completed the operation objective to get 553 Kills. [+$2,635,227]
can we say sadddddd, boys n girls? lol
can we say sadddddd, boys n girls? lol
changing ops payouts now is kinda messy because so many ppl have done various stages of them and so many sets of ops are spawned into the game and waiting to be done. It wasn't even really a great idea the first time it was done real early on
however, kill master and bust master both need to be buffed again to like 10x
that would allow for ppl to actually complete the ops in a timely fashion and if they have to pay a bit more or prestige to use the features then so be it
but the game needs to progress on kills/busts like it has on mugs/crimes
otherwise it stagnates with a shit ton of unfinished ops that nobody wants to do like it had gotten in the past with busts/kills

They aren't that bad. I just dont want to sit for days trying to do these kills.
Enable Auto Operation Starter
Kills #2739
Kills [x264] [+1,083 Points]
April 2023 Busts Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April 2023 Crimes Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April 2023 Kills Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April 2023 Mugs Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April Busts Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April Kills Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April Mugs Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
Enable Auto Operation Starter
Kills #2739
Kills [x264] [+1,083 Points]
April 2023 Busts Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April 2023 Crimes Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April 2023 Kills Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April 2023 Mugs Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April Busts Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April Kills Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits
April Mugs Credits
Cost: 1,000 Credits

just for comparison...
You have completed the operation objective to get 472 Mugs. [+$3,172,267]
nice payout for very lil effort...
You have completed the operation objective to get 553 Kills. [+$2,635,227]
p4 kills non-free... had to fill hossy for less payout
You have completed the operation objective to get 472 Mugs. [+$3,172,267]
nice payout for very lil effort...
You have completed the operation objective to get 553 Kills. [+$2,635,227]
p4 kills non-free... had to fill hossy for less payout

You have completed the operation objective to get 81 Kills. [+738 points]
You have completed the operation objective to get 80 Kills. [+$521,426]
You have completed the operation objective to get 75 Kills. [+698 points]
You have completed the operation objective to get 74 Kills. [+$483,590]
Pts reward = 1,436
Cash reward = $1,005,016 = 201 pts
Cash payouts are aids…cost to do them is more than the reward itself. Not to mention how uneven cash payouts are compared to pts payout. Either cash payout needs to buffed up to somewhat match pts rewards or multiplier on kills has to increase from x2 to at least x5.
You have completed the operation objective to get 80 Kills. [+$521,426]
You have completed the operation objective to get 75 Kills. [+698 points]
You have completed the operation objective to get 74 Kills. [+$483,590]
Pts reward = 1,436
Cash reward = $1,005,016 = 201 pts
Cash payouts are aids…cost to do them is more than the reward itself. Not to mention how uneven cash payouts are compared to pts payout. Either cash payout needs to buffed up to somewhat match pts rewards or multiplier on kills has to increase from x2 to at least x5.

kills cost a lot more points to complete than the others as well so gotta factor that in which most ppl tend to forget
before the prestige sets with a ridiculous amount of kills, there was the crime pass sets with a ridiculous amount of kills and moderate if any profit. I know some of the cash ones were at a loss on them before and now with prestige boosts, the exp ones most likely are too when you could just do a couple crimes instead
not to mention the daily sets which suck as well 🤣
the problem however is that you can't really buff payouts fairly now like they did early on because it would push people over prestige limits for exp potentially and skills have been boosted dramatically and people have done 10's of thousands of ops since then so someone somewhere down the line isn't gonna get the same payout and it wouldn't be fair if they all got the same without boosts. plus flooding more points and cash into the game is never good either
that's why I suggested buffing kill master and bust master to make them more tolerable to do moving forward and long term
otherwise kill ops will just sit and collect dust because nobody is doing millions of kills in a short enough amount of time to keep pace with the rest of game progression. the math just doesn't work out. game boosts and prestige boosts and inflated economy are too much to ignore and not worth it to grind kill ops for 6 months to play the long game
even busts are a chore now when you go with the bigger prestige sets
if we're paying credits for those, they should at least be somewhat tolerable to do
before the prestige sets with a ridiculous amount of kills, there was the crime pass sets with a ridiculous amount of kills and moderate if any profit. I know some of the cash ones were at a loss on them before and now with prestige boosts, the exp ones most likely are too when you could just do a couple crimes instead
not to mention the daily sets which suck as well 🤣
the problem however is that you can't really buff payouts fairly now like they did early on because it would push people over prestige limits for exp potentially and skills have been boosted dramatically and people have done 10's of thousands of ops since then so someone somewhere down the line isn't gonna get the same payout and it wouldn't be fair if they all got the same without boosts. plus flooding more points and cash into the game is never good either
that's why I suggested buffing kill master and bust master to make them more tolerable to do moving forward and long term
otherwise kill ops will just sit and collect dust because nobody is doing millions of kills in a short enough amount of time to keep pace with the rest of game progression. the math just doesn't work out. game boosts and prestige boosts and inflated economy are too much to ignore and not worth it to grind kill ops for 6 months to play the long game
even busts are a chore now when you go with the bigger prestige sets
if we're paying credits for those, they should at least be somewhat tolerable to do

No idea where support tickets are here but I can't click on individual pets to have my pet kill them the game crashes.