The Game is Simple, make me laugh !
Let us keep with the festive theme and think all about Christmas.
Will last until 10 DECEMBER 2023.
I. Post a joke
II. Post a funny picture
If you make me laugh, you will earn a reward.

*You can post as many entries as you want - Rewards for the first 5 entries*

Present Item :

Underboss's Holiday Stash
Single Use Item.
When used, it will give you a random reward (Points, Cash, Credits).

Underboss's Holiday Stash
Single Use Item.
When used, it will give you a random reward (Points, Cash, Credits).

Why did Rudolph have to attend summer school?
Because he went down in history.
Because he went down in history.

Why was the snowman smiling?
He could see the snowblower coming down the street.
He could see the snowblower coming down the street.