6 Oct 2024, 10:31:19 pm
Post: 230/234
Hello all, here are a few voting options to make changes to the drugs in the game (Alcohol, Steroids and Cocaine).

You can vote for each of these right away, but the ending times have been staggered to give everyone a chance to change their vote depending on the previous vote.

This vote will run until 9th October 12AM. (67% vote needed to win, if not the least voted option will be deleted and extended to 10th of October)

Change Cost of Drugs

This vote will run until 11th October 12AM. (75% vote needed to win, if not the least voted option will be deleted and extended to 12th of October.. then 67% vote needed, etc..)

Allow Stacking?

This vote will run until 13th October 12AM. (75% vote needed to win, if not the least voted option will be deleted and extended to 14th of October.. then 67% vote needed, etc..)

Change Effectiveness?


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 Oct 2024, 9:38:07 pm
Post: 18/21
🍻 🍻
10 Oct 2024, 9:47:17 pm
Post: 141/147
I de mand re count of vote this is all rig first poll probably 250000 wud have won like me vote
10 Oct 2024, 9:49:29 pm
Post: 437/447
[CW] HaxxBlaze  prestige wrote
Attention Players:

I want to address something important, and this will be the only time I speak on it. Recently, it has come to light that a player, has been manipulating polls by bringing in people from outside the game to vote. These individuals do not actively play and are only participating because of threats or incentives given in other games. And I have no doubt that active players in this community have been threatened as well.

This behavior undermines the integrity of the polls, which are meant to reflect the opinions of active players, not a few individuals pulling strings behind the scenes. As such, I want to be clear: votes cast by these outside participants will not be considered valid moving forward. The polls are for those who actually play and engage with the game, not for a referral contest or a tool for manipulation.

This is not up for debate, and I won’t be engaging in arguments about it. It is what it is, and it’s up to each of you to take it however you see fit. Let's keep this game a fair and enjoyable space for the real community.

Thank you for your understanding.

There's no way to verify this first off and a number of other players are involved in doing the same exact thing. Currently and in the past. So let's not try to manipulate the facts even further.

What you did here is make something into a vote that was not needed to be or intended to ever be. You did this on purpose specifically because you wanted it to be a popularity contest and have ppl gang up on others (mainly my gang and myself) to win the vote that a certain few have cried to you about. Don't make me post proof of this too.

Now all of you are mad because your plan backfired and you are sore fucking losers. This voting system is not effective and not the correct way to handle this.

I am all for a real debate and discussion to get things implemented to the game. Not a one sided battle that doesn't even give us a chance to have our opinions heard or viable options available in the polls.

You did it this way purposely and out of spite and you should be held accountable for your actions.

I suggest we all meet in the middle road here and act diplomatically moving forward. Here are my proposals:

Option 1 - make drugs stackable infinitely and give the higher 150% boost

this option gives in to the 50% side that wants them stackable but takes away from the 50% vote that wants them to be lowered. So it gives from each side equally. The ppl who don't want stacking concede a bit and the ones who want them lowered concede a bit to the higher option instead splitting the balance

Option 2 - make drugs not stackable and drop to 25% boost

this option gives in to the side who wants them to remain non stacked and takes away from the ones who want to boost higher. So the stackers concede their vote to stack and the boosters concede the extra boost on their end. It also gives us a happy medium.

10 Oct 2024, 9:53:09 pm
Post: 19/21
I read all you said btw.

Option 3 : leave as is.
10 Oct 2024, 9:55:13 pm
Post: 438/447
I read all you said btw.

Option 3 : leave as is.

I fucked it up and had to edit lol

the first option was supposed to go with the higher boost ppl winning
10 Oct 2024, 9:58:28 pm
Post: 211/223
You are the one of the strongest players here. This move would one billion percent benefit you the most.

I dont see Candice fighting for this to pass.

The player base is set against you due to your playstyle. You can't expect them to vote against their own best interests, only the US government can make them do that.

Hail Hydra.
10 Oct 2024, 10:02:09 pm
Post: 439/447
You are the one of the strongest players here. This move would one billion percent benefit you the most.

I dont see Candice fighting for this to pass.

The player base is set against you due to your playstyle. You can't expect them to vote against their own best interests, only the US government can make them do that.

Hail Hydra.

Candice is fighting against this because of the way he uses drugs. And is the other side who influenced their whole gang and others to sway this vote.

Regardless of who wants what specifically, the vote is still split down the middle so it should be compromised in the middle to be fair.

See my correct and edited suggestions above with a 50% give on each side
10 Oct 2024, 10:02:43 pm
Post: 212/223