28 Jul 2021, 2:49:42 am
Post: 36/48
I would like to see more things that can be done as a collective effort as a gang. I think gang operations would be cool with random payouts such as points, gang respect or boosted xp/trains for either a certain time period or certain amount for each participating member. Let me know what you guys think


0 1
4 Aug 2021, 5:19:36 pm
Post: 95/262
4 Aug 2021, 11:07:03 pm
Post: 40/48
😴 😴 😴 😴
4 Aug 2021, 11:11:11 pm
Post: 48/179
or group quests in general...where u have an area to post a group crime...a button for people to join to do x or y task...
like say 1 hour to get 1000 crimes, 100 kills, 100 mugs, 100 busts...and each person has to do their share for it to pay out...